Well-Structured and Sequential Courses Offer Students a Smoother Learning Journey and Improved Prospects Ahead.

Well-Structured and Sequential Courses Offer Students a Smoother Learning Journey and Improved Prospects Ahead.

Dhan Bahadur Thapa, the Principal of Sagarmatha Secondary School, has dedicated 22 years to mould the students of the swaths into competent professionals. He follows a selective admission process, enrolling a limited number of students to ensure a focus on providing high-quality education. From the very beginning, the school has remained steadfast in its commitment to delivering excellence in education. Moreover, the institution actively supports students in developing their skills and nurturing their interests through various training programs. As a result of their consistent efforts, the school has consistently achieved outstanding outcomes and has consistently been recognized as one of Nepal's top 10 schools for several years. He shares his view with College Readers. Excerpts:

How do you monitor the progress of students who go abroad after completing their high school education (plus two examinations)?

The issue of students going abroad after completing their high school (plus two examinations) also has implications for the government's role in the matter. One factor contributing to the challenges faced by students is the inconsistency in the course structure between grades 11 and 12. Occasionally, the content taught in grade 11 overlaps with that of grade 12, and vice versa. This misalignment can create confusion and gaps in knowledge for students as they progress through their education. Furthermore, when it comes to A-level education, schools strive to meet international standards. However, there are noticeable differences between the education provided in Nepal and the international standards. These disparities can impact the preparedness of students who plan to pursue higher education abroad. To address these concerns and ensure a smoother transition for students going abroad, it is crucial for the government to take necessary steps. This may involve conducting a comprehensive review of the curriculum structure and content alignment between grades 11 and 12. By ensuring that the courses are coherent and sequential, students can have a more seamless learning experience and be better prepared for their future educational pursuits. Additionally, the government can work closely with educational institutions to bridge the gap between national and international education standards. This could include providing support, resources, and training to schools and teachers, enabling them to deliver a curriculum that aligns more closely with international benchmarks. Ultimately, a concerted effort from the government, educational institutions, and other stakeholders is required to address the challenges faced by students who aspire to study abroad after completing their higher secondary education. By addressing the inconsistencies and discrepancies, students can be better equipped to meet the expectations and requirements of higher education institutions abroad.

How does the quality of education provided in your school differ from others’?

The quality of education in our school sets it apart from others’. From the early stages, we prioritize academic excellence, ensuring that students achieve high rankings from the time they are in small classes. By maintaining consistency in our teaching approach, we aim to foster continuous improvement and prepare students for a promising future. One distinguishing factor is our selective admission process, which allows us to enroll a limited number of students. This enables us to focus on providing quality education and personalized attention to each student, ensuring their individual needs are met. Since the inception of our school, we have remained committed to delivering exceptional education. Our dedication to quality has been unwavering from the very first day, creating a foundation of trust and reliability among students, parents, and the community. Furthermore, we go beyond academic instruction by actively enhancing students' capabilities and nurturing their interests. Through various training programs and initiatives, we aim to broaden their skills and knowledge base. These additional programs help students explore their potential, develop diverse talents, and cultivate a well-rounded skill set. The quality of education in our school stands out due to our focus on achieving high rankings, selective admissions, unwavering commitment to excellence from the beginning, and efforts to enhance student capabilities through specialized training programs. We aim to provide a nurturing environment where students can excel academically and develop their potential to become successful individuals in the future.

How do you monitor the decline in students' academic performance following the impact of the pandemic?

The students' attitude towards examinations has undergone a shift, particularly when it comes to Grade 11 exams being conducted internally by schools. There seems to be a tendency among students to approach these internal exams with less seriousness compared to if they were conducted by the board. If Grade 11 exams were administered by the board instead of being internal, it is believed that students would be more inclined to take them seriously. The external oversight and standardized nature of board examinations tend to instill a sense of accountability and motivation among students. The knowledge that their performance in these exams will be evaluated by an external authority often encourages students to devote more time and effort to their studies. In contrast, when Grade 11 exams are conducted internally by schools, some students may perceive them as less significant or rigorous. This perception can lead to a lack of seriousness and reduced motivation in their preparation for these exams. To address this issue, it may be worth considering the benefits of having board-administered exams for Grade 11 students as well. Implementing a standardized examination system for Grade 11, similar to the board exams for Grade 12, can help reinforce the importance of these exams and motivate students to approach them with greater diligence. Furthermore, it is crucial for schools and educators to create an environment that emphasizes the significance of Grade 11 exams, regardless of whether they are internal or external. By highlighting the long-term implications of these exams on students' academic progress and future opportunities, students can better understand the importance of giving their best effort. The observation is that students tend to take Grade 11 exams less seriously when they are conducted internally by schools. Introducing board-administered exams or placing greater emphasis on the significance of these exams can help address the issue and foster a more diligent approach to studying among students.

What factors should be taken into consideration when selecting courses and colleges?

Our counseling services aim to assist students who are in the process of deciding which courses and colleges to pursue. It is common for many students to feel uncertain about their interests and career paths, leading them to seek guidance from their elders. We understand the importance of providing support and valuable insights to help these students make informed decisions. During counseling sessions, we take the time to understand each student's unique strengths, preferences, and aspirations. By exploring their interests, skills, and personality traits, we can offer personalized recommendations and suggest suitable courses and colleges that align with their individual profiles. In addition to considering the guidance of elders, we encourage students to reflect on their own passions, goals, and long-term aspirations. It is crucial for them to choose courses and colleges that resonate with their own values and interests, as this will enhance their overall academic experience and future career prospects. Furthermore, we provide information and resources about various colleges, including their academic reputation, faculty, infrastructure, and placement opportunities. This equips students with the necessary knowledge to make well-informed choices that align with their educational and career objectives. By offering comprehensive counseling services, we strive to empower students to make confident decisions about their courses and colleges. Our goal is to ensure that they embark on a fulfilling educational journey that not only aligns with their interests but also sets them on a path towards success and personal growth.

What are the salient features of Sagarmatha School?

At Sagarmatha School, our greatest strength lies in our exceptional team of highly experienced and qualified teachers. We recognize that teachers play a vital role in shaping the educational journey of our students, and we take pride in having a strong teaching faculty that is committed to delivering quality education. Our teachers bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and passion to the classroom. With years of experience in their respective fields, they possess a deep understanding of the subjects they teach and employ effective instructional strategies to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. They are dedicated to nurturing students' intellectual curiosity, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving skills. Beyond their instructional roles, our teachers actively engage in counseling students, providing guidance, and supporting their holistic development. They understand the importance of addressing students' academic, emotional, and personal needs, and strive to create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment.

What message would you like to communicate to SEE graduates?

I want to convey the message that instead of relying solely on the opinions and advice of others, it is crucial for SEE results waiting students to take ownership of their decisions. Rather than simply listening to everyone's suggestions, it is important to actively seek understanding and make informed choices. One effective approach is to engage in discussions with senior students, both within the school and in the wider community. These experienced individuals can provide valuable insights based on their own experiences and perspectives. By engaging in conversations with them, students can gain a deeper understanding of different educational paths, career options, and the overall journey beyond SEE. My message to SEE results waiting students is to encourage them to take an active role in their decision-making process. Seeking guidance from senior students, visiting reputable institutes, and conducting personal introspection are important steps towards making informed choices. By considering a variety of perspectives and aligning decisions with personal interests and aspirations, students can embark on a fulfilling educational journey that sets them on a path to success and personal fulfillment.



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