Camad focuses on developing leadership and managerial skills in students

Camad focuses on developing leadership and managerial skills in students

Camad College is a highly respected and well-known institution in the country. The college focuses on providing top-notch education through experienced faculty, giving students a comprehensive education that blends theory and practical skills essential for global success. Ram Sharan Tripathi, the Principal of Camad College, is dedicated to providing students with a contemporary and efficient business education that equips them for triumph in the future global business arena. He expressed his views to College Readers. Excerpts:

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among Nepali students to pursue education abroad after completing their plus two studies. What is the current status of this trend?
The current situation regarding the results of the Plus Two exams is quite remarkable. Firstly, the pass rate for plus two students stands at 51 percent, while the failure rate is at 49 percent. Secondly, a significant number of students are showing interest in pursuing studies abroad once the pandemic is over. Thirdly, colleges affiliated with international universities are actively enrolling students, especially those who can afford higher tuition fees. If we examine the data from last year for Tribhuwan College, we can see that there are a considerable number of vacant seats in Tribhuwan University. Nowadays, students have the option to choose Kathmandu University, followed by Tribhuwan University, and then Pokhara University. It's worth noting that some colleges fill their seats more quickly than Tribhuwan University, but there is a lower number of students in colleges affiliated with Pokhara University. This situation is largely attributed to our shortcomings and the government's weak policies.

What are your observations regarding education in the field of management?

Management education is highly valuable as it extends its influence to various fields, including medicine, engineering, and other professions. Those who possess a background in management education are well-equipped to take on managerial roles and lead organizations. Management education not only nurtures effective managers but also cultivates leadership qualities. Managers oversee tasks, while leaders assist in managing the managers themselves. Individuals who can effectively balance both roles contribute significantly to an organization's progress. There are numerous colleges offering programs to develop both managers and leaders. However, in Nepal, the growing desire for international certificates has somewhat negatively impacted the local education landscape.

Why do you think the trend of studying abroad is consistently on the rise?

There are certain deficiencies and gaps in the government's policies, and individuals in positions of authority are taking advantage of these shortcomings. Additionally, the new generation possesses a significantly higher level of capability and potential, which cannot be compared to the traditional education system. Our current system involves students in routine activities such as homework, assignments, and monotonous lectures, which has led to a decline in student enthusiasm. The appeal of internationally-affiliated colleges in Nepal has grown due to their emphasis on high-quality extracurricular activities and modernized examination practices that include objective and assignment-based questions. In contrast, our education system remains rooted in tradition. Based on students' psychological needs, a curriculum overhaul could potentially address these issues and improve our educational system. Currently, the state of our nation's education system falls somewhat short of expectations.

Can Camad College provide students with extracurricular activities and a modern teaching and learning approach?

Upon relocating to our new premises, we have formulated a plan to ensure students' satisfaction. We believe that the quality of education our students receive during their four years at Camad College significantly influences their prospects in the job market. To this end, we have introduced comprehensive co-curricular activities (CCA) programs and are currently implementing them in our college. Our primary focus is on nurturing leadership and managerial skills in our students. We facilitate their exposure to corporate environments to gain insights into corporate culture, and banking careers, and provide soft skills training. Our objective is to provide valuable inputs that will yield positive outputs for our students' future success.

Pokhara University is renowned for its excellence in management education. What are the benefits of pursuing a degree in management?
I can assert with confidence that Pokhara University has significantly contributed to shaping successful careers in the banking sector when compared to other universities. This is a primary highlight of its excellence. Moreover, students who pursue further education abroad after completing their bachelor's degree at Pokhara University have consistently provided positive feedback. In various sectors, including corporate organizations, the banking industry, and government agencies, Pokhara University has a larger representation of students, which I consider a notable aspect of its appeal.

Camad College introduced BBA and Development Studies programs in affiliation with Pokhara University. However, it appears that Development Studies has not garnered the same level of interest among students. To enhance the appeal of the Development Studies program, what improvements should be considered?

The program offered by Pokhara University is inherently innovative. Our task is to identify the areas where it may be lacking. Development Studies is primarily geared towards individuals interested in social work, and it is particularly relevant for those pursuing careers in politics, as the curriculum is tailored to equip students with the skills needed for community involvement. The limited attraction towards this program may be due to insufficient marketing and branding efforts. In essence, the course itself is of high quality and offers substantial value.

Finally, what advice would you like to offer to students?

I would like to extend a warm welcome to each one of you. Before deciding on your higher education, I strongly encourage you to visit our prestigious institution, Camad College, and learn more about the services we provide. We are committed to nurturing leadership and managerial skills in our students, and we believe our college can offer you the opportunity to develop your full potential.

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