Unlocking Promising Futures: The Surging Demand for Management Graduates

Unlocking Promising Futures: The Surging Demand for Management Graduates

Dipak Bhandari, the dynamic Principal of Siddhartha International College in Butwal, is a youthful and enthusiastic educator. His dedication to delivering skill-based education tailored to the needs of the business community, along with his commitment to facilitating student placements, represents a noteworthy initiative within his community. In a conversation with College Readers, he highlights that the institution has embarked on this venture by seamlessly integrating the domains of academia and the business sector. Here are some key excerpts:

What are the key characteristics of Siddharth International College?

Siddhartha International College exclusively offers bachelor's degree programs, with a particular focus on BBA and BBA-BI. Functioning as a close-knit community, our college ensures personalized attention to a limited number of students. We boast essential facilities, including cutting-edge projector-based teaching, air-conditioned classrooms, and a complimentary set of all five required textbooks. Additionally, we actively participate in national-level seminars and conduct research-based studies. Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to align with market demands, with a strong emphasis on the practical application of knowledge. What sets us apart is our innovative approach to internships, where we provide training that closely simulates real-world business operations before students embark on their internship experiences.

How do the BBA and BBA-BI programs at Siddhartha International College differ from those offered at other institutions?

In terms of curriculum, our BBA program at Pokhara University is exceptionally well-designed. We are dedicated to providing a curriculum that emphasizes practical learning. One area where we maintain a disciplined approach is in the financial sector and corporate governance. This focus has led the majority of our management students to gravitate towards careers in the financial sector, with more than 80% expressing a strong interest in this field. To cater to this demand, Pokhara University has introduced a specialized Banking and Insurance track within the BBA program, which includes an additional 5 to 6 subjects for in-depth study.

Many students opt to study abroad after completing their high school education, and this trend can impact higher education. Does the same phenomenon occur in Butwal as well? What responsibilities should college administrators and universities assume to address this issue?

In our college, there's a noticeable preference among students for the BBA-BI program over BBA. In the past, students were more inclined towards business-related careers when studying management. However, there seems to be a shift in perception, with students expressing doubt about their prospects in this country. Nonetheless, we have students who are currently employed in institutions like Nepal Rastra Bank and commercial banks, and others have ventured into entrepreneurship, successfully bringing their products to market. It's crucial for parents to provide support and encouragement. Universities should take active steps to create awareness about the opportunities, curriculum, and advantages of studying in Nepal. This can include organizing orientations and seminars. Students who pursue their education in Nepal have the potential to build careers that can thrive in any part of the world.

Finally, what messages would you like to convey to the students?

I'd like to emphasize that there is a significant demand for management students in the job market. By dedicating ourselves to our management education, we can secure a very promising future. Choosing to pursue a bachelor's degree in Nepal offers various advantages, such as gaining maturity and a deeper understanding, which will prove beneficial. It will also open doors for further options, including considering the pursuit of a master's degree abroad.



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