The Transformative Essence of Buddhism Studies: Beyond Jobs to Personal and Societal Transformation

The Transformative Essence of Buddhism Studies: Beyond Jobs to Personal and Societal Transformation

Nir Bahadur Gurung, the Campus Chief of Central Campus of Lumbini Buddhist University, has invaluable contribution in the development and expansion of Lumbini Buddhist University. The campus has become a place of immense attraction to aspirant and devoted inquirer and students of Buddhism and secular subjects as well. Mr. Gurung has been caught up with College Readers for his short conversation. Excerpts:


Could you give a brief synopsis about Lumbini Buddhist University Central Campus?
Lumbini Buddhist University Central Campus is the pioneer constituent campus. It is the

central campus of LBU. The campus started its academic activities at Parsa,

Lumbini. In its inception, we offered Master’s degree program in applied

Buddhism under Buddhist study in 2070 BS. Similarly, we started Mahayana

Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism inner core Buddhism program. But due to

the scarcity of students, these two programs under core Buddhism couldn’t

continue. Currently, we have been running system Buddhism studies program in

Master’s Degree. Moreover, we have been offering Bachelor in travel and tourism.

management, Bachelor of Arts in rural development and Bachelor of Bhot

Buddhism studies in semester system according to the demand of the local

community. Buddhist University primarily focuses on Buddhism. Besides, it has

also been running other programs as well.


How the University has developed linkage to other course content with the

the theme of Buddhism?
Travel and tourism is related to hospitality management. Such subjects are proactive and globally demanded subjects. But only the knowledge of the particular subject will be incomplete in the absence of the knowledge of human value and humanness. So, in the tourism sector, too, it needs professional knowledge as well as ethics to satisfy the guest. Incorporating the essence of Buddhism into our curriculum, we emphasize the values of truthfulness, politeness, morality, honesty, and simplicity.

Alongside providing professional courses, we aim to inculcate these qualities in our students. By doing so, we equip them not only with essential skills and knowledge for their respective fields but also with a strong ethical foundation.

Our approach ensures that graduates possess not only the expertise to excel in their careers but also the values to be compassionate, responsible, and respectful individuals. This holistic education prepares them to make a positive impact in their professions and contribute meaningfully to society, fostering a harmonious and purposeful environment in the travel and tourism industry.


How is the scope of Buddhism studies in job landing sectors?
The indicator of success of its products is not measured only based on his/her job or income generating profession in Buddhism studies. Its measuring indicator is the transformation quality of the individual developed in him/her. So, we believe that the individual should be able to transform him/her society and nation after studying in this university. The students admit here with the aspiration of learning to live with peace.

The transformative power of Lumbini Buddhist University lies in its ability to cultivate human qualities that lead to a peaceful life. If there is no peace in us, we can’t maintain peace around us.  Recognizing that inner peace is essential for maintaining peace in the world around us, the university places great emphasis on nurturing peace, harmony, and honesty among its students and faculty. In the current context, these values have a broader significance and relevance. Throughout its journey, the university has faced numerous challenges, yet it has persevered and achieved remarkable progress.

Both physical infrastructure and academic accomplishments stand as testaments to its unwavering dedication. Despite the ups and downs, the university's commitment to instilling values that promote peace and personal development remains at the core of its mission. This enduring pursuit has allowed Lumbini Buddhist University to make a significant impact on the lives of its students and the wider community.

In your view, to whom does the credit go for such a huge achievement?
The efforts of one or two person cannot achieve the goal but the initiation is from a single person also can be the guiding way for the team .All the administrative and academic team, public, stake holder .etc. have praiseworthy contribution to achieve the success of the university. The leadership of the registrar holds utmost significance among all contributors. Their pivotal role in the university's progress is evident in various aspects.

Firstly, they have spearheaded the development of physical infrastructure, transforming the campus into a conducive learning environment. Secondly, their efforts have led to the growth of academic status, enhancing the quality of education and research.

Lastly, the registrar's leadership has been instrumental in developing and implementing innovative strategies to improve physical infrastructure further. Their unwavering dedication and strategic vision have propelled the university towards excellence, making a lasting impact on its overall success and reputation.

What message would you like to convey to the prospective students?
The university is embarking on an initiative to collect and publish research articles and writings on Buddhism authored by its pass-out students. To facilitate this process, we encourage former students with such material to get in touch with the university. Additionally, an important announcement regarding a shift in pedagogy is being made.

The university is committed to a profound transformation in education by emphasizing practical learning and its relevance to real-world applications. This shift aims to enrich students' learning experiences, enabling them to bridge the gap between theory and practice. By imparting hands-on knowledge and fostering critical thinking, the university seeks to better prepare its students for their future endeavors in the dynamic professional landscape.

In an effort to promote transparency and inclusivity, the university warmly invites local community students to visit the campus. By experiencing the facilities, meeting faculty members, and interacting with current students, visitors gain valuable insights to make well-informed decisions about their educational journey. This outreach initiative promotes educational accessibility and empowers aspiring students to explore diverse opportunities for personal and academic growth.


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