The core essence of Buddha's teachings is intricately woven into the journey of achieving success through the avenue of ethical education

The core essence of Buddha's teachings is intricately woven into the journey of achieving success through the avenue of ethical education

Dr. Manik Ratna Shakya, Dean of Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist University, is making every effort to materialize its visions and mission with the themes of Buddhist Education from the Birthplace of Buddha and Skill Oriented Buddhist Education, through different activities and forums. This faculty has been running the course of Buddhist Studies which is one of the fast-growing multi-facet academic disciplines. This course has something to cater for everyone from all walks of life. Besides traditional monastic education systems, the course of Buddhist Studies has been introduced in the Universities across the globe. In the context of Lumbini Buddhist University, this discipline is taught not only at the central campus of LBU but also taught in its six affiliated educational institutions in Nepal. Dr. Shakya has been involved in organizing national and international seminars in collaboration with different national and international organizations for the last few years. He has been caught up with College Readers for a short conversation. Excerpts:

Could you share with us the Buddhist study programs offered by the Faculty of Buddhist Studies of Lumbini Buddhist University?

All the programs concerned with Faculty of Buddhist Studies are run under four different units as follows:

1.Faculty of Buddhist Studies


PhD Program


2.Central College

Master in Buddhist Studies


Bachelor in Bhot Buddhist Studies


3.Affiliated college

Lotus Academic College

Master in Applied Buddhism

Theravad Buddhist Academy

Master in Theravad Buddhism

Master in Pali Buddhist Studies

Sugat mahavidyalaya

Master in Mahayan Buddhism

Bauddha Multiple College

Master in Buddhism and Peace Studies

Lumbini College of Buddhism and Himalayan Studies

Master in Buddhism and Himalayan Studies

Jiri Buddhist College

PGD in Buddhist Studies

4. In Collaboration

Akseswar Art College

Bachelor in Traditional Buddhist Art

Sulksanakirti Campus

Master in Buddhism and Sustainable Development


Why should one study Buddhism?
The main aim of Studying Buddhism is to achieve peace, harmony and delight in physical as well as mental life. In the past, Buddhism was regarded as a religion but at present Buddhism is considered as a way of life, altruism, and philanthropic deeds. Therefore, people study Buddhism for self-transformation with an aim to develop welfare society.

How do you maintain and retain quality in education?
Systematic and scientific curriculum as well as pedagogy is the essential part to maintain quality education.  Lumbini Buddhist University as a Buddhist university has applied Buddhist hermeneutics as well as pedagogy which contains not only traditional teaching approach but also includes modern approaches such as discussion, demonstration, experiment, and presentation. Besides, pedagogy applied by the faculty covers academic and theoretical aspects using verbal instruction and modern hi tech educational devices. Furthermore, a canonical textual based effective curriculum has been launched which addresses the existing social problems. In this way we are maintaining quality education.

In your experience, how is the scope of these programs which are conducted under the faculty of Buddhist Studies?
The programs run under the faculty of Buddhist studies can be classified into two groups i.e., Core Buddhism and Applied Buddhism. The program of core Buddhist studies is addressing Buddhist history, literature, philosophy, literature, art, ethics, meditation, and architecture following the core value of Buddha's teaching. Likewise, applied Buddhist Studies covers social, political, economics, health and hygiene, environment, jurisprudence, tourism, archaeology, museology, and sustainable developments. These subjects are basically associated with skill and practice oriented. Thus, these programs obviously produce ethical as well as skilled people who can play vital roles in society. So, the programs run under faculty have diverse scopes.

Do you set priorities for research-based education or philosophy-based education?
Obviously, Research is one of the crucial parts in the field of education. Faculty of Buddhist studies is handling Ph. D program which is directly concerned with the research. Similarly, every student must submit a thesis in order to complete a master's degree program. Students must submit assessments on various in every semester, which is one of the research-based activities. So, those subjects run under FBS are particularly focusing research.

Is it possible to link Buddhism with jobs or entrepreneurship globally?
Definitely, Buddhism can be linked with entrepreneurship. There are various types of skills concerned with Buddhism. Various types of Buddhist monuments, sculptures, paintings, monasteries, liturgical items have been made in the world. Skilled people related to above mentioned tasks are needed in the world. In order to produce Buddhist skilled persons, Buddhism can be linked with the works.

We are living in the era of technological marvels, and we cannot imagine our survival in the absence of technology since it is inevitable for every business and in every workplace. How do you link Buddhism with technology?

Buddhism is not regarded as religion; it is regarded as science; it is a scientific way of thinking.      It does not require belief in a god as part of its core doctrines but focuses rather on techniques such as meditation whose benefits can be scientifically investigated. In addition, Buddhists have used their knowledge of science to achieve technological breakthroughs such as the printing press.

Could you enlist your achievements as the Dean of Faculty of Buddhist Studies of Lumbini Buddhist University?

Within four years of my tenure, many remarkable tasks have been undertaken thus, the achievements of Faculty of Buddhist Studies can be drawn as follows:

  1. Construction of Semester Regulation for LBU
  2. Organization of International conference
  3. Construction of Regulation for PhD program
  4. Development of Curriculum in semester system for following degrees:





PhD Program


Master in Buddhist Studies


Bachelor in Bhot Buddhist Studies


Master in Applied Buddhism


Master in Theravad Buddhism


Master in Mahayan Buddhism


Master in Buddhism and Peace Studies


Master in Buddhism and Himalayan Studies


PGD in Buddhist Studies


Bachelor in Traditional Buddhist Art


Master in Buddhism and Sustainable Development


Master in Pali Buddhist Studies


  1. Nepali Buddhist Story Competition
  2. Played vital role to establish Sulksana kirti Campus and Akseswar Traditional Art College
  3. Reformation in the Ph.D program
  4. Organized College wise Seminar in 5 different college

What is your message to those students who are in search of Buddhist education?
Never do unwholesome activities, only perform welfare activities, purify your body speech and mind. This is the essence of Buddha's teaching. Thus, to be an ethical, moral, and successful person, Buddhist education is very important at present. This education focuses not only on gaining knowledge, but it emphasizes the realization of knowledge. Besides, this education helps us to be mindful and contemplative. If you can control your mind at every step, you will always be successful. Therefore, Buddhist education is important to be a successful person.


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