Students with affinity for Literature Possess a Heightened awareness of Societal Issues

Students with affinity for Literature Possess a Heightened awareness of Societal Issues

Ananda Kumar Yadav, Secretary of HISSAN Bagmati Province Committee, is the Principal of Hrit Academy, the top-notch educational plus-two institutions in Nepal. He has shared his view with College Readers. Excerpts:

What motivated you to pursue a career in the field of education?

Drawing from my Master's degree in English and my background in literature, I have observed that students with a strong affinity for literature tend to possess a heightened awareness of societal issues. This awareness often stems from the themes and narratives explored in literary works, which often reflect the complexities and challenges of the world we live in. My personal drive has always been to create a positive influence within society. I strongly believe that education is a powerful tool that can shape individuals and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to bring about meaningful change. Hence, I consciously decided to embark on a career in the educational and academic field, where I could actively engage with students and guide them in their intellectual and personal development. Through my role as an educator, I aim to go beyond imparting subject knowledge. I strive to foster critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of responsibility in my students. By encouraging them to question and analyze societal issues, I aim to instill a strong sense of social consciousness. I believe that by nurturing such qualities in students, I can contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, just, and progressive society. Education plays a vital role in empowering individuals to become agents of positive change. By providing students with a well-rounded education, I hope to inspire them to address social challenges, advocate for marginalized communities, and actively contribute to the betterment of society. It is my aspiration to leave a lasting impact on the lives of my students, enabling them to become informed, engaged citizens who actively work towards a more inclusive and equitable future. In essence, my choice to pursue a career in the educational and academic field is driven by a deep-rooted desire to make a tangible difference in society. Through the transformative power of education, I strive to empower individuals to critically examine the world around them and actively contribute to its improvement, thus fostering a brighter future for all.

As a secretary, what strategies do you have in mind for managing the Higher Secondary School Association (HISSAN), Bagmati Province?

Over the past ten years of my involvement in HISSAN, I have personally witnessed a remarkable transformation within the organization. When I first became a member, the primary objective of HISSAN was to establish and strengthen relationships among academic institutions in the Kathmandu Valley. At that time, there was a notable lack of coordination and a prevailing sense of antagonism between the institutions, hindering progress and collaboration. However, through dedicated efforts and the collective determination of HISSAN members, we have successfully cultivated a sense of unity and cohesiveness among all the participating institutions. It is truly gratifying to see that what was once a fragmented and disconnected group of schools has now evolved into a tightly knit community working towards a common goal. With the realization that a united front is essential for the advancement of education, our focus has shifted towards enhancing the academic quality within our member institutions. To achieve this, HISSAN has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at improving teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and overall educational practices. We offer comprehensive training programs that equip educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide a high standard of education. Additionally, we advocate for improved facilities, such as infrastructure development and technology integration, to create an optimal learning environment for both students and teachers. In our pursuit of academic excellence, HISSAN recognizes the importance of not only focusing on formal education but also nurturing emotional attachment and a strong bond among the members. We understand that a supportive and inclusive community fosters a conducive environment for growth and learning. To that end, we organize various activities, including picnics and cultural exchanges, which provide opportunities for interaction, sharing experiences, and building connections. Amidst all our efforts, the core aim of HISSAN remains intact—to ensure the unity and integrity of the institutions within the Kathmandu Valley. By fostering collaboration, enhancing academic quality, and promoting emotional attachment, we strive to create an educational ecosystem where all member institutions thrive and collectively contribute to the advancement of education in the region. The journey we have undertaken over the past decade is a testament to the power of collaboration and collective action. As a member of HISSAN, I am proud to be part of an organization that has transcended its initial challenges and transformed into a united force dedicated to educational excellence and the betterment of our community.

What strategies do you have in mind to facilitate the development of the six districts?

In order to facilitate the development of the six districts, we have adopted an approach where each sector operates independently, taking ownership of their respective responsibilities and functioning autonomously. This decentralized structure allows for efficient management and decision-making at the sector level. To ensure effective communication and collaboration among the sectors, we regularly organize meetings that are tailored to address specific areas of focus. For instance, meetings dedicated to admissions provide a platform for sharing best practices, streamlining the admission process, and ensuring transparency and fairness. Similarly, meetings focused on child career counseling allow professionals to exchange insights, discuss career pathways, and provide guidance to students on making informed choices about their educational and professional futures. In addition to the sector-specific meetings, we recognize the importance of providing comprehensive information and guidance to students and parents regarding college choices. To achieve this, we organize educational fairs where colleges from various disciplines come together to showcase their offerings. These fairs serve as a one-stop resource for attendees, enabling them to gather detailed information about different colleges, courses, admission requirements, scholarships, and career prospects. Moreover, expert counselors are available at these fairs to provide personalized guidance and address any queries or concerns. By fostering independent functioning of each sector, organizing sector-specific meetings, and conducting educational fairs, our aim is to create an environment that promotes growth and development in the six districts. We believe that by empowering each sector to take charge of their responsibilities and providing the necessary resources and platforms for collaboration, we can collectively work towards the advancement of education, admissions processes, and career counseling. This approach ensures that stakeholders have access to the information and support they need to make informed decisions and contribute to the overall development of the districts.

What factors should be taken into account when selecting a college?

In the education system, there is a common curriculum followed by all students until grade 10, where they study from the same textbooks with similar content across schools. However, once students reach grade 11, they are required to make a significant decision regarding their academic path. They have the opportunity to choose a specific field of study based on their interests and aspirations, such as science, management, tourism, law, humanities, and more. This transition marks a shift in the curriculum content, which undergoes a substantial change from grades 9 and 10 to grades 11 and 12.To bridge the gap between the content covered in grades 9 and 10 and that of grades 11 and 12, an important concept known as the bridge course has been introduced. The bridge course aims to smooth the transition for students by providing supplementary material or additional classes that fill in the knowledge and skill gaps created by the curriculum shift. It ensures that students have a solid foundation and are well-prepared for the curriculum of grades 11 and 12, which is designed to be more specialized and relevant to the bachelor's level education. When it comes to choosing a college, it is crucial for students to approach the decision with mindfulness and awareness. Several factors should be considered while selecting a college that aligns with their academic goals and interests. Firstly, students should evaluate the reputation and accreditation of the college, ensuring that it meets the required standards of education. They should also consider the faculty members and their expertise in the chosen field of study. The resources and facilities available at the college, such as libraries, laboratories, and research opportunities, should also be taken into account. Furthermore, students should explore the curriculum and course offerings of the college, ensuring that they align with their academic and career aspirations. It is important to assess whether the college provides the necessary support and guidance for students to excel in their chosen field. Additionally, considering the location, campus environment, extracurricular activities, and available scholarships or financial aid options can also be influential factors in the decision-making process. Ultimately, selecting a college is a crucial step in shaping one's educational journey and future career prospects. By being mindful, aware of their interests and goals, and conducting thorough research, students can make an informed decision that sets them on the path to success and personal fulfillment.

What are the reasons for students to choose to study plus two in HRIT College?

HRIT College in Nepal has established itself as a prominent institution for law studies, earning widespread recognition and respect within the field. One noteworthy aspect that sets HRIT College apart is its pioneering role as the first college to introduce law courses in the country. This achievement highlights the college's commitment to innovation and its proactive approach to meeting the educational needs of aspiring legal professionals.

One key element that contributes to HRIT College's success is its ability to develop its own curriculum, tailored specifically to the legal field. By creating their own syllabi and content, the college ensures that students receive a comprehensive and specialized education that is aligned with the requirements and standards of the legal profession in Nepal. This dedication to crafting a unique curriculum underscores HRIT College's commitment to providing a well-rounded and relevant learning experience for its students. Another noteworthy aspect of HRIT College is its initiative in publishing its own textbooks. By producing their own educational materials, the college ensures that the content is specifically tailored to their curriculum, thus providing students with accurate and comprehensive resources. This endeavor further highlights HRIT College's commitment to academic excellence and student success. The college's track record speaks for itself, with many of its BLLB graduates consistently achieving top rankings in the country. This accomplishment is a testament to the quality of education and rigorous academic standards upheld by HRIT College. It reflects the dedication and expertise of the faculty members, as well as the college's commitment to nurturing and developing the skills and knowledge of its students. HRIT College is also known for its fair and transparent admission process. The requirement of a guardian's presence during the admission procedure adds an extra layer of accountability and ensures that the admissions process is conducted with integrity and in the best interest of the students. This emphasis on fairness further strengthens the reputation of HRIT College as an institution that upholds ethical standards and prioritizes the well-being of its student community. Overall, HRIT College's recognition as a leading institution for law studies in Nepal can be attributed to its pioneering initiatives, such as being the first to introduce law courses, developing its own curriculum and textbooks, and consistently producing successful graduates. The college's commitment to academic excellence, fair admissions, and student welfare makes it a compelling choice for aspiring law students seeking a quality legal education.

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