Students of Media and Technology should Have a Strong Foundation in Digital Literacy

Students of Media and Technology should Have a Strong Foundation in Digital Literacy

Kabita Sharma, a PhD Scholar, is the Principal at Shepherd College, New Baneshwor. She is also involved in HISSAN Bagmati. She is counted among visionary educators, administrators and organizers. College Readers has caught up with her for a short interview. Excerpts:

Can you describe the vision and mission of your institution and how do you plan to achieve them?

Shepherd College is located at New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. It was established in 2002 A.D. to provide a value-based education. The College offers Bachelor in Media Technology (BMT) and Master in Media Technology (MMT) with the affiliation from Purbanchal University.

The college has helped generate several Batches every year in BMT and MMT and getting proficient in Media, IT and Mass communication skills. As a first media technology education hub in Nepal, it has been arming its students with top journalism courses and practical experiences that align with their desired dream job for more than a decade. 

Academic courses of excellence is a big asset of the college in one hand and catering frequently and regularly the training and orientations to the mid-career journalists and media people in the other hand, where students can also join with these activities. Apart from providing its students with a dynamic, practical environment, the college believes it is their duty to help students design creative approaches to overcome numerous hurdles. 

This persistent and consistent effort of the faculty, students and alumni has helped it hold a top-notch position in Media Education in Nepal. With the increasing demand for Media position, Shepherd College of Media Technology has expanded its program from Bachelor of Media Technology to Master of Media Technology. 

To implement the vision and mission of the college, we have focused on strategic planning, curriculum development, student support service, faculty and staff development, facilities and infrastructure, and community engagement.

How has your experience as a principal evolved over the years and what have been some of your most significant achievements?

My journey from being a student at this college in 2010 to becoming the principal has been a transformative and fulfilling experience. As a student, I had the opportunity to witness the college's growth, the evolving field of media and technology, and the changing educational landscape.

I always had a passion for media and technology and recognized its immense potential to shape our society. I already was into this professional world since 2001 and had gained valuable industry experience in media and technology when I first established all women’s radio FM in butwal popular as MUKTI FM. This experience lead me to learn more about media and I joined ‘Masters in media technology’ in this college which allowed me to understand the industry's demands, emerging trends, and the skills students need to succeed in this rapidly evolving field. I was

When I was offered the opportunity to serve as the programme manager, which I embraced it wholeheartedly. I saw it as a chance to contribute to the growth and development of the college that had played such a significant role in shaping my own educational journey. You know, it requires an excellent leader to identify a potential in every new comer and Dr Suresh Acharya (former campus chief) and the chairperson of this college Bishownath Prasad shah had that trust in my capability and give me the opportunity to explore and grow. I started to work as a programme Co-ordinater, then a vise- principal and now as a principal. 

As the principal, I have focused on several key areas. Primarily, I have strived to create an inclusive and student-centered learning environment. I believe in the power of personalized education that caters to the unique needs and aspirations of our students.

I have also worked towards fostering a culture of innovation and creativity within the college. This includes encouraging our faculty members to explore new teaching methodologies, incorporating emerging technologies into the curriculum, and providing students with hands-on experiences in real-world media and technology projects.

Moreover, I have placed a strong emphasis on industry collaboration and partnerships. Recognizing the importance of bridging the gap between academia and the professional world, I have established relationships with local media organizations, technology companies, and industry experts. These partnerships have provided our students with valuable internships, guest lectures, and networking opportunities, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

Lastly, I have been committed to continuous professional development for both the faculty and staff. I have encouraged and supported them in attending conferences, workshops, and training programs to stay updated with the latest industry practices and teaching methodologies.

How do you prepare students to meet the demands of the 21st century workforce and what skills and competencies do you believe are most essential for success?

Preparing students to meet the demands of the 21st-century workforce, especially in the fields of media and technology, involves equipping them with a range of skills and competencies that are essential for success. We focus on Digital literacy, Technical skills, Critical thinking and problem solving, Creativity and innovation, Communication and collaboration, Adaptability and flexibility and Ethical awareness.

Media and technology students should have a strong foundation in digital literacy, which includes the ability to use and navigate various digital tools, platforms, and technologies effectively. Students should develop technical skills relevant to their field, such as programming, web development, graphic design, video editing, data analysis, and other specialized skills depending on their specific interests and career goals whereas critical thinking skill is particularly important in fast-paced media and technology environments. Media and technology fields thrive on fresh ideas, unique perspectives, and innovative approaches. Students should learn to effectively communicate ideas, work well in teams, and collaborate with others to achieve common goals. The ability to adapt to rapidly changing technologies, industry trends, and work environments is critical. Students should be comfortable with continuous learning and be willing to upgrade their skills throughout their careers.

To prepare students effectively, we incorporate project-based learning, hands-on experiences, internships, industry collaborations, and real-world case studies into the curriculum. We believe it is essential to provide access to up-to-date resources, industry experts, and relevant training opportunities.

AS HISSAN Bagmati province is a newly formed social organization, what essential things do you observe to make it stronger and more successful?

To make HISSAN a stronger and more successful social organization I believe we could consider more collaboration and Networking, fostering collaboration with other educational institutions and organizations weather national or international. This can help create synergies, share best practices, and leverage resources and expertise for the benefit of HISSAN Bagmati province.

Besides, selecting capable individuals who can lead the organization, making informed decisions, and ensuring transparency and accountability in its operations can provide us with something we lack as a country altogether. This can help keep the momentum, the enthusiasm in all young hearts who make the difference.

Every member must actively engage and the members of HISSAN could create opportunities for every individual’s participation and contribution. Encourage open communication, solicit feedback, and involve members in decision-making processes. This can be done through workshops, seminars, training programs, and other initiatives that enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Advocate for their needs, rights, and interests at regional, provincial, and national levels. Represent the organization effectively in relevant forums and policy discussions.

They could establish robust data management systems to collect and analyze relevant data on higher secondary education in the Bagmati province. Use this data to inform decision-making, identify areas for improvement, and conduct research to enhance educational practices.

Most importantly, regularly evaluate the performance and impact of HISSAN Bagmati province's activities. Use this evaluation to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Continuously adapt and refine strategies based on lessons learned.

By focusing on these essential aspects, HISSAN can strengthen its foundation, expand its reach, and make a more significant impact on the education sector in the region and hopefully will create space for all our youth, brains that have been draining away from the country. With this we could possibly hope that we can encourage our youths in foreign lands want to return to their country and make some difference.

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