Science and technology course prepares graduates with innovative, reflective, and creative ideas for achieving success

Science and technology course prepares graduates with innovative, reflective, and creative ideas for achieving success

Associate Professor Rajesh Kumar Thagurathi serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Pokhara University. The university has been offering engineering programs since its establishment and currently runs 13 Master's and 11 Bachelor's degree programs under this faculty. The university is known for its advanced curriculum syllabuses and evaluation systems, which have successfully prepared versatile and innovative graduates. Here are some excerpts:

Could you give a brief account of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Pokhara University?

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at Pokhara University has offered undergraduate and graduate-level engineering and non-engineering programs since 1999. The faculty currently offers a total of 11 undergraduate programs and 14 graduate programs through one constituent, one joint constituent, and 18 affiliated colleges. This year, the FST has launched the MSc Sanitary Engineering program and is also in the process of revising the curriculum of undergraduate-level engineering programs. The faculty is planning to offer a PhD in engineering soon.

In your estimation, how many students are enrolling in this faculty in total including both constituent and affiliated colleges? What is the social audit from those students received?

Approximately 15,000 students are currently enrolled in the Faculty of Science and Technology, including both constituent and affiliated colleges. The students are highly motivated towards engineering education, and they aspire to become leaders or managers in their respective workplaces based on their performance. However, some concerns have been raised regarding the crash courses related to engineering, and students have requested the development of "soft skills" from an international perspective. The university is continuously working to provide these facilities to students. The graduates of Pokhara University are becoming the pioneers of innovation and transformation.

Research in engineering is the crux, but it has not been given so much priority in our context. What research activities have you planned to make the subjects more applicable?

We believe in research as it leads to effective outcomes. Research helps students to develop their thinking process, innovate, design, and implement their ideas systematically. Although the bachelor-level engineering programs at Pokhara University may not be sufficiently research-oriented, the curriculum, practicum, and teaching methods prescribed in the programs are research-driven. We mainly focus on research actions in master’s level programs. We support a culture of inquiry and initiative, building leadership and research capacity in scholarship and professional practice in various fields of engineering ranging from environment management, computer, electronics, hydropower, disaster management, etc. through collaborative practice.

We have conducted crash courses on sustainable construction management, green economy, operational performance management, etc. Students pursuing engineering at Pokhara University are very much concerned about market and industry linkages, knowledge of contemporary issues, and effective communication skills.

Engineering is a global profession and research activities should enable students to produce high-quality and cost-effective products in a multinational market. We aim to transform conventional teaching & learning practices into a research-based system. The faculty of Science and Technology is currently undergoing curriculum revision in the engineering programs of some disciplines with a focus on adopting innovative research-oriented teaching & learning processes. Our focus will be on research related to technology, communication, infrastructure, culture, and market economy.

Unlike IOE and Purbanchal University, why has Pokhara University not been found to conduct the central entrance examination system?

Pokhara University believes in transparency and quality in the selection of engineering schools for its program. To maintain uniformity in selection and to make it transparent, we are working on quality control, monitoring, and evaluation mechanisms. However, Pokhara University is planning to launch the concept of a central entrance examination. We are working on it, and I hope the central entrance examination system will start soon. It may take some time, but it will be done.

Many MBA colleges have struggled to attract enough students who have passed the centralized entrance examination. Similarly, engineering colleges are also concerned about facing a similar fate. What steps have you taken to enhance the reputation of Pokhara University, and ensure that colleges affiliated with it can attract an adequate number of students?

Indeed, some of the colleges are not getting sufficient students for certain programs. There are reasons behind it, some of which could be from our side. We have realized our weaknesses and are working to reform our existing mindset. As a result, there are indicators of improvement in our engineering programs. However, there are some national problems too, such as political upheavals, disturbances in the academic year cycle, and so on. I hope these problems will be resolved within a few years by making Pokhara University an academic hub for engineering courses.

In addition, we intend to launch a mechanical engineering program in the upcoming academic year. The process of central entrance is ongoing, and obvious changes will be seen within a couple of years. We are planning to conduct graduate tracing to develop the student’s ownership and credibility with the institution and programs.

Why hasn't Pokhara University got sufficient students to apply for a scholarship test and recommend them to colleges?

The scholarship program offered by Pokhara University recognizes students from government schools. It is important to note that the University is committed to welcoming deserving students. However, it is also true that our scholarship scheme is not able to reach all of them, and that the University has been unable to allocate all of the seats to targeted groups. Many meritorious students apply for scholarships, and we recommend that they choose a college based on their priorities. Furthermore, the government has mandated that our university focuses scholarship provision on needy segments rather than merit or competition. This has led to a decrease in the attractiveness of our scholarship program.

As the Dean, you have already completed one academic session, what remarkable achievement do you want to count?

Though a year cycle is not a long time in the academic institution, in the former academic session, our office under my leadership carried out some significant tasks which are as follows:

  1. Quality enhancement of engineering education
  2. MoU signed with PU and National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and the National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET) in which joint research is going on involving both faculty and students in a knowledge-sharing platform  
  3. Introduced new programs: Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering
  4. Crash course and training on green economy accomplished
  5. Course development for undergraduate and graduate programs

Which programs of engineering are highly demanded and employable in the global economy?

Engineering is a crucial profession that plays a vital role in the economic development and growth of a country. Each engineering program and discipline has its own importance in society. The demand and employability of engineering courses vary from country to country. Developed countries tend to focus more on interdisciplinary engineering courses and programs, while countries like Nepal have a higher demand for programs like civil, electrical, and ICTs. The scope of programs related to AI, Machine Learning, Robotics, and Hybrid Mechanical Engineering is growing significantly.



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