Migration of Skilled Human Resource is a Serious Problem

Migration of Skilled Human Resource is a Serious Problem

Toya Narayan Paudel, who completed his Master's degree in Mathematics from Tribhuvan University in 1998, currently serves as the Principal of Himalayan Whitehouse International College. Additionally, he holds the position of Vice-President at HISSAN, Bagmati. Mr. Paudel shared his insights with College Readers. Excerpts:

What are the potential advantages and obstacles in the field of engineering education in Nepal?

Nepal, being a developing country, faces various challenges in the field of engineering education. One of the primary concerns is the need for overall development in the country, which includes the improvement of the educational sector as well. It is crucial to produce a greater number of highly skilled human resources in the engineering field to meet the growing demand for infrastructure development. Unfortunately, a significant obstacle Nepal faces is the migration of skilled manpower to other countries. Many talented individuals who acquire engineering education and expertise choose to seek opportunities abroad, depriving the nation of their valuable contributions. This brain drain phenomenon hampers the country's progress as the skilled workforce does not stay back at home to drive local development. To address this challenge, it is essential to create an environment that encourages skilled professionals to remain in Nepal and contribute to the nation's growth. This can be achieved by providing attractive career prospects, competitive salaries, research and innovation opportunities, and a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurship. By establishing an environment that fosters professional growth and recognizes the value of skilled manpower, Nepal can retain its talented individuals and leverage their expertise for national development. Furthermore, investing in the improvement of engineering education infrastructure, faculty development programs, and research facilities is vital to enhance the quality of engineering education in Nepal. Collaborations between academic institutions and industries can play a significant role in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing engineering graduates to meet industry requirements. Additionally, the government's commitment to prioritizing the development of the engineering education sector, allocating adequate resources, and formulating effective policies is crucial. This includes ensuring the availability of updated curricula, promoting research and innovation, and fostering collaboration between academia and industry. In conclusion, engineering education in Nepal faces challenges related to the migration of skilled manpower and the overall development of the country. However, by creating a conducive environment for skilled professionals, investing in infrastructure and faculty development, and aligning engineering education with industry needs, Nepal can harness its human resources to drive sustainable development and address the country's infrastructure requirements.

After completing their higher secondary education at home, Nepali students often choose to pursue studies abroad. What factors prevent schools and colleges from retaining these students within the country?

 Although universities in Nepal strive to provide students with a curriculum and syllabus aligned with those of the top 100 universities worldwide, many students still opt to pursue their studies abroad. Despite the availability of experts in both private and government sectors, the government's efforts to retain these students within the country have fallen short.

One factor that contributes to the students' migration to countries abroad is the perception that studying abroad offers a wider range of opportunities and exposure to international standards of education. Students may believe that studying in renowned institutions overseas will enhance their chances of securing lucrative job offers and accessing a broader network of professionals in their respective fields. This perception often stems from the notion that foreign education provides a competitive advantage in the global job market. Another factor could be the lack of specialized programs and facilities within Nepalese institutions that cater to specific academic interests or career aspirations. Students may feel that certain disciplines or fields of study are better developed and supported in foreign institutions, which influences their decision to pursue education abroad. Furthermore, the financial aspect plays a significant role. Studying abroad can be costly, but it is often perceived as a worthwhile investment due to the potential for higher returns in terms of career prospects and earning potential. Scholarships, financial aid, and opportunities for part-time work during studies in foreign countries are also attractive factors that students consider. Despite the presence of experts in various fields within Nepal, the government's role in stemming the outflow of students is crucial. Measures such as enhancing the quality and relevance of education, promoting research and innovation, providing robust support for entrepreneurial ventures, and facilitating collaboration between academia and industry can help create an environment that retains talented students and harnesses their potential for national development. Addressing the concerns and aspirations of students, improving the overall educational ecosystem, and strengthening the reputation of Nepalese institutions through international collaborations and partnerships are also vital in attracting and retaining students within the country. In summary, while Nepalese universities strive to provide a curriculum aligned with renowned international institutions, factors such as perceived opportunities abroad, specialized programs, financial considerations, and the government's role in creating a supportive educational environment all contribute to students' decisions to pursue studies overseas. To retain talented students, it is crucial to address these factors and create an ecosystem that fosters academic excellence, research, and innovation while providing avenues for career growth and development within Nepal.

Do students receive all the necessary amenities and resources when studying abroad?

Students often prioritize financial benefits and amenities while considering abroad study, sometimes overlooking the value of a degree. It has been observed that a significant percentage of students studying abroad, approximately 95%, do not hold bachelor's degrees, yet they lead prosperous lives. These examples serve as influential factors contributing to the increasing trend of Nepalese students seeking education abroad. One of the reasons behind this trend is the perception that opportunities for financial prosperity are more abundant overseas. Students may believe that by studying abroad, they can acquire better-paying jobs and lead a more affluent lifestyle. This perception is often fueled by success stories of individuals who have achieved financial stability without possessing formal educational qualifications. In Nepal, where there is a shortage of skilled manpower, the demand for engineers is high. A simple construction project may require the expertise of ten engineers. This highlights the need for a skilled workforce within the country to address the infrastructure development requirements and cater to the growing demands of various sectors. However, it is important to note that the decision to pursue education solely for financial gain can have long-term implications. While immediate financial benefits may be enticing, the value of a well-rounded education and a recognized degree should not be underestimated. A comprehensive education equips individuals with critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a broader understanding of their chosen field, which can contribute to long-term career success and personal growth. Moreover, studying abroad offers students the opportunity to experience diverse cultures, gain exposure to different perspectives, and develop a global network, which can be invaluable in an increasingly interconnected world. It is essential for students to consider the holistic benefits of education and not solely focus on immediate financial gains. While the allure of financial benefits and amenities may drive some students to prioritize studying abroad without obtaining a bachelor's degree, it is crucial to recognize the long-term value of a comprehensive education. It is important to strike a balance between immediate financial considerations and the pursuit of knowledge and skills that can contribute to personal and professional growth. By valuing both financial stability and educational development, students can make informed decisions that align with their long-term goals and aspirations.

What sets Himalayan White House College apart from its counterparts making it unique in its services?

Like every college in Nepal, Himalayan White House College possesses its own distinctiveness and offers a top-notch syllabus. It is important to recognize that each individual has their own unique capabilities, and success ultimately depends on how one utilizes their potential. At Himalayan White House College, our focus is on providing students with quality education that empowers them to excel in their chosen fields.

We continually update our curriculum to ensure that students receive relevant and industry-oriented education. By incorporating practical applications, case studies, and hands-on experiences, we aim to equip our students with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in their future careers. Moreover, at Himalayan White House College, we prioritize the overall growth and well-being of our students. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment where students can explore their interests, engage in extracurricular activities, and develop their leadership and interpersonal skills. We believe in the holistic development of our students, preparing them not only academically but also socially and emotionally for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It is worth noting that while Himalayan White House College offers quality education, success ultimately lies in the hands of the students themselves. We provide them with the necessary tools and resources, but it is their determination, hard work, and commitment that will drive their achievements. In conclusion, Himalayan White House College distinguishes itself through its focus on delivering quality education, its faculty's expertise, and a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for the real world. By fostering a supportive learning environment and prioritizing holistic development, we aim to empower our students to unlock their full potential and succeed in their chosen endeavors.




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