Legal and Tourism education foster conscientious approaches in the sacred realm of Lumbini

Legal and Tourism education foster conscientious approaches in the sacred realm of Lumbini

Dr. Hari Sharan Chakhun, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lumbini Buddhist University, is dedicated to fostering collaboration among social science experts in order to develop solutions for socio-economic challenges in the region of Lord Buddha's birth. This faculty is focused on cultivating and disseminating knowledge rooted in the teachings of Lord Buddha through extensive research and education imbued with virtuous principles. The aim is to address crises and contribute to global peace and prosperity. Dr. Chakhun's vision involves establishing an international educational center dedicated to peace and prosperity. He recently engaged in a brief conversation with College Readers. Here are some excerpts:

Could you kindly provide a concise overview of the academic offerings within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lumbini Buddhist University?

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at LBU presents the following programs:


  • M.A. in Museology and Buddhist Collections
  • M.A. in Archaeology and Buddhist Archaeological Sites
  • Bachelor of Arts in Rural Development
  • Bachelor of Travel and Tourism (BTTM)
  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law (B.A. LL.B)

Why should one study these programs at LBU?

LBU provides distinctive courses that integrate the core principles of the respective subjects with Buddhist philosophy, literature, education, and culture. This fusion aims to evoke concepts of peace, empathy, friendship, and compassion (Shanti, Bandhutwa, Maitri, and Sadbhave), fostering a sense of unity for global peace, harmony, and prosperity.

How do you maintain and retain quality in education?

Ensuring and sustaining quality education involves a comprehensive approach encompassing several strategies. These include designing a relevant curriculum aligned with field advancements and practical applications, hiring experienced faculty with effective teaching methods, addressing student needs through interactive teaching and support, enhancing faculty skills through training and research, assessing student progress using diverse methods and incorporating feedback, providing well-equipped facilities, encouraging research and industry collaboration, integrating technology into teaching, ensuring quality through mechanisms like peer review and accreditation, fostering an ethical and inclusive environment, promoting holistic education, engaging alumni for feedback, and adapting to changing educational needs. Collectively, these approaches help maintain and enhance education quality, providing students with a valuable learning experience. 


Do you set priorities for research-based education or philosophy-based education?

The primary objective is to develop and implement comprehensive academic programs centered around theoretical and research-based education. The plan is to introduce these specialized courses not only at the Bachelor's level but also to emphasize research-based education at the Master's level. This initiative underscores the institution's commitment to enhancing the quality of education by integrating advanced theoretical concepts with practical research methodologies. By offering these courses, the university aims to equip students with a solid foundation of knowledge along with the skills to critically analyze and contribute to their respective fields through research. This strategic approach reflects the institution's dedication to fostering a dynamic learning environment that nurtures academic excellence and prepares students for successful careers in their chosen disciplines.

How is the BA LLB program linked with Buddhism philosophy?

The current legal framework in our region is largely influenced by Western legal philosophy. Nonetheless, we possess our own legal principles rooted in our ancient heritage, shaped by religious laws. The legal principles that emphasize maintaining a peaceful and harmonious society, in line with the teachings of Lord Gautam Buddha, remain highly pertinent today. The Provincial Government and local community have expressed a need for a legal education institution within our province, under the umbrella of LBU. In response, LBU has introduced law courses as part of its social responsibility to address the local demand for legal professionals. Additionally, the teachings of Lord Gautam Buddha hold significant relevance to legal education. Buddhism's influence on legal systems in various countries underscores its fundamental role in legal philosophy. The aim is to illuminate Buddha's teachings through the prism of legal knowledge, contributing to the advancement of our society, fostering peace, empathy, friendship, and compassion.

What are the distinct features of Travel and Tourism programs run by your University? What scope do you see in Travel and Tourism programs?

Lumbini holds significant historical and spiritual importance as a pilgrimage site, drawing visitors from around the globe. This influx of people underscores the immense potential for tourism in Lumbini. To underscore Lumbini's significance as the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, there is a necessity to cultivate a deep understanding of tourism. LBU acknowledges the value of integrating local communities into the tourism sector to bolster their cultural heritage and economic opportunities. Through its Travel and Tourism programs, LBU endeavors to equip students with the competencies to advocate for ethical tourism methods while safeguarding indigenous customs and landmarks. This approach embraces sustainability and inclusivity, aligning with a responsible and lasting approach to tourism.

How can you assure that these programs run by Lumbini Buddhist University can guarantee the job possibility to the students after graduation?

The Bachelor of Arts (Rural Development) program holds significant potential, especially in regions like Lumbini. Numerous locations possess historical, economic, and cultural significance that necessitate development efforts. Professionals specialized in rural development are pivotal in driving these initiatives forward.

Tourism serves as a crucial vehicle to underscore the significance of Lumbini as the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. Through engaging with the tourism sector, students can actively contribute to the growth and enhancement of tourism in this region.

Legal knowledge carries substantial importance and pertains to a broad spectrum of sectors within a nation, including governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations, local authorities, and social groups. This knowledge equips students to seamlessly adapt and excel in diverse roles throughout society.
What is your message to those students willing to plunge into Buddhist philosophy through modern education? 

As previously mentioned, the courses offered by LBU are distinct and highly relevant to the modern context, incorporating elements of Buddhist philosophy, literature, education, and culture. These courses aim to instill values of peace, brotherhood, friendship, and compassion, uniting individuals toward the goals of global harmony and prosperity. Through the teaching and learning process, the infusion of theoretical knowledge with Buddhist philosophy and ethical teachings nurtures comprehensive development in students. This integration of principles in education fosters a profound sense of empathy, compassion, and comprehension, thereby establishing a foundation for a society characterized by harmony and virtue. This inclusive approach not only fosters intellectual growth but also imparts ethical values and a genuine appreciation for diverse cultures, empowering individuals to become responsible citizens of the world. Ultimately, this transformative educational approach envisions an ideal society that emphasizes wisdom, compassion, and interconnectedness, contributing significantly to the advancement of humanity and the global community.

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