Leadership Training Empowers students to Develop Skills in Effective Communication, Teamwork, Decision-making, and Problem-solving

Leadership Training Empowers students to Develop Skills in Effective Communication, Teamwork, Decision-making, and Problem-solving

Ganesh Kumar Dulal serves as the Principal of Vishwa Adarsha College located in Ithari. As an experienced educator, Mr. Dulal has undertaken significant roles to elevate his institution's status, making it a highly esteemed educational hub offering a diverse range of disciplines from basic to advanced levels, including post-graduation. He generously imparts his wealth of experience and valuable insights with the readers of College Readers. Excerpts:

What is the current situation of Vishwa Adarsha College?

Vishwa Adarsha College was established in the year 2055 B.S. Initially, the college had a modest beginning with only 13 students enrolled in the science stream and 20 students in the management stream. The teaching and non-teaching staff comprised just 10 members. However, the college has since undergone remarkable growth and development. At present, Vishwa Adarsha College offers a comprehensive range of academic programs spanning from nursery to master's level. The college now accommodates a substantial student body, with more than 3200 students enrolled across various programs. In the plus two levels, the college offers both science and commerce streams, catering to the diverse interests of the students. The undergraduate level includes the Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) and Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) programs. Additionally, the college provides the Master of Business Studies (MBS) program at the master's level. Vishwa Adarsha College has witnessed significant expansion in its school-level education as well. The number of students in the school section has surpassed a thousand, reflecting the trust and popularity of the institution among the local community. In the plus two levels, the college boasts an enrollment of over 1200 students. The bachelor's level programs attract around 450 students, while the master's level program has an enrollment of 250 students. To accommodate the growing student population and ensure quality education, the college has substantially increased its teaching and non-teaching staff. Currently, the college employs more than 300 dedicated individuals who contribute to the academic and administrative functions of the institution. Overall, Vishwa Adarsha College has experienced impressive progress since its establishment, expanding its academic offerings, student enrollment, and staffing capacity to meet the educational needs of a growing student body.

What are some emerging trends that have emerged following the global pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on colleges worldwide. While schools seemed to have a smoother transition to digital learning, with smart screens and digitalized classrooms, colleges faced some initial challenges, particularly in adapting to new technologies like the Zoom app. Unlike schools, which were already equipped with digital tools, colleges had to quickly familiarize themselves with online platforms to continue delivering quality education remotely. The introduction of Zoom, a popular video conferencing application, presented a learning curve for both faculty and students. However, despite these initial hurdles, colleges managed to overcome the challenges and adapt to the new virtual learning environment. One positive outcome of the pandemic was an increased number of students attending online classes. As colleges strived to provide quality lectures even during the pandemic, students recognized the value of the education being offered and took advantage of the remote learning opportunities. This led to a higher enrollment rate in online college courses, with students appreciating the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital platforms. Additionally, the pandemic prompted colleges to explore and adopt various innovative educational approaches. Many institutions introduced virtual laboratories, online simulations, and interactive learning materials to enhance the learning experience for students studying science, engineering, and other practical subjects. These digital resources not only bridged the gap created by the absence of physical laboratories but also provided students with immersive and engaging learning opportunities. Moreover, the pandemic served as a catalyst for the development and implementation of hybrid learning models. Colleges started blending in-person and online instruction, allowing students to have a more flexible and personalized learning experience. This hybrid approach not only accommodated those who preferred in-person classes but also catered to the needs of remote or commuting students, providing them with more options to access education. In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about significant changes in the college education landscape. While colleges initially faced challenges in transitioning to online platforms like Zoom, they were able to adapt and provide quality education remotely. The pandemic also led to an increase in online student enrollment, fostering the exploration of innovative educational approaches such as virtual laboratories and interactive learning materials. Additionally, the rise of hybrid learning models offered students greater flexibility and personalized learning experiences.

In what ways do you integrate skills with education?

At our institution, we have introduced vocational training programs at the school level to integrate practical skills with education. These programs aim to equip students with specific vocational skills that are relevant to various industries and job sectors. By offering vocational training, we provide students with valuable hands-on experience and enhance their employability prospects.

However, at the college level, while we may not have specific skill-based programs, we recognize the importance of developing essential skills beyond academic knowledge. As a result, we have implemented various training initiatives that focus on enhancing leadership abilities and preparing students for competitive examinations such as the Lok Sewa (Public Service) exams. Leadership training programs enable students to cultivate crucial skills such as effective communication, teamwork, decision-making, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for students to excel in their future careers and become valuable contributors to society. Additionally, we offer Lok Sewa classes to prepare students who aspire to pursue careers in the public sector. These classes provide guidance, coaching, and resources to help students understand the Lok Sewa examination process, improve their general knowledge, and develop the necessary skills to succeed in these highly competitive exams. By incorporating leadership training and Lok Sewa classes, we aim to complement the academic curriculum and provide students with a holistic educational experience. These initiatives empower students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their chosen professions and contribute meaningfully to society. In summary, while vocational training programs are offered at the school level, at the college level, we focus on developing essential skills through leadership training and Lok Sewa classes. These initiatives ensure that our students not only gain academic knowledge but also acquire practical skills and competencies that are vital for their personal and professional growth.

What are the factors that make this institution a preferred choice for higher education?

This institution is preferred by students for several compelling reasons. Firstly, the teaching faculty is highly skilled and dedicated, prioritizing the needs of students and providing a student-centered learning experience. Their extensive experience enhances the quality of education delivered at the institution. Secondly, the institution is renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality education, leading to exceptional results in the Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) exams. This demonstrates the institution's emphasis on academic excellence and its ability to effectively prepare students for success. Furthermore, the institution boasts well-furnished facilities and optimally designed classrooms within a well-equipped building. This ensures that students have a comfortable and conducive learning environment that enhances their overall educational experience. The peaceful academic atmosphere within the institution is another attractive feature. Students can focus and concentrate on their studies without distractions, fostering an environment where learning thrives. The institution's commitment to practical learning is evident through its specialized laboratories. These well-designed spaces provide students with the opportunity to engage in hands-on exploration and experimentation, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts and skills. A well-stocked library further supports the institution's commitment to learning. Students have access to up-to-date publications, allowing them to broaden their knowledge and engage in comprehensive research. Engaging educational tours and fieldwork, supplemented by PowerPoint presentations, offer students unique learning experiences beyond the confines of the classroom. This interactive approach encourages practical application of knowledge and provides a well-rounded education. The institution also supports students through diverse scholarship programs and recognition through awards, fostering a culture of merit and motivation. Lastly, the institution caters to the needs of every student by offering audio-visual classes and remedial sessions. These tailored support programs ensure that students who require additional assistance receive the necessary resources and guidance to succeed. Overall, the institution's strong teaching faculty, commitment to quality education, well-equipped facilities, peaceful environment, practical learning opportunities, and extensive library resources, engaging educational tours, scholarship programs, and support initiatives make it a preferred choice for students seeking a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.

What are your final remarks about education, institution choice and responsibilities?

Itahari holds a distinguished reputation as a flourishing educational hub, and it serves as a testament to the availability of excellent educational opportunities within the city. Students who have completed their SEE exams can benefit from the multitude of quality educational institutions present in Itahari. With a wide range of schools, colleges, and universities offering diverse academic programs, students can pursue their desired fields of study without having to venture beyond the city limits. This not only saves them from the inconvenience of relocating but also ensures that they receive education from reputed institutions known for their high standards. The educational ecosystem in Itahari is enriched by experienced faculty, well-equipped facilities, and a supportive learning environment. Thus, Itahari stands as a compelling choice for students seeking exceptional education and academic growth.




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