Laboratory School Champions Practical Competencies, Seeks Synergy with Local Governance

Laboratory School Champions Practical Competencies, Seeks Synergy with Local Governance

Laboratory Secondary School is a pioneering trust model school in Nepal that has been contributing significantly to the field of educational innovation since its establishment in 2013 B.S. To develop the children's creativity, reveal their hidden talents, and explore their potentiality, the school conducts extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

Laboratory Secondary School is a pioneering trust model school in Nepal that has been contributing significantly to the field of educational innovation since its establishment in 2013 B.S. To develop the children's creativity, reveal their hidden talents, and explore their potentiality, the school conducts extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

Dr. Lakpa Sherpa has been serving as the Principal of Laboratory Secondary School for the last 18 years, and he continuously makes efforts to expand and improve the quality of education. As a result of his efforts, the school has ensured outstanding performance of students both academically and physically. Dr. Sherpa recently gave an interview to College Readers, and here are some excerpts from that interview.

Could you please clarify how the Laboratory School is prioritizing the learning and progress of its students?

There have been several changes made to the curriculum and pedagogy. Our school is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the times and the demands of our students. We have created an inclusive environment that accommodates students of diverse backgrounds and abilities, including over 40 visually impaired students. We are implementing new teaching methods to ensure that all students receive an equitable education. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we successfully conducted online classes for two years. Our school has a well-established infrastructure with modern teaching and learning materials. We are both financially and academically stable.

Parents often expect their children to excel in all areas, but every student has different learning capabilities. How do you ensure equal opportunities and quality education for all students?

Our education system is student-friendly, and we make sure that every student gets the attention they need. To achieve this, we provide mandatory orientation and training for our teachers. We understand that not every student can excel academically, so we follow a differentiated approach in each classroom. Our primary focus is to ensure that students are not below average in their studies. We believe that every student is unique and has their interests and strengths, and we guide them accordingly. We do not limit our students to becoming just doctors, engineers, or scientists. Instead, we believe that all types of people are needed in society, and hence we focus on diversification. Targeting a 4 GPA is not the need of the time.

We have been recognized with several awards and honors for achieving good performance in the exam and extracurricular activities. Our teaching methods are diverse, ranging from figures to literature and music. We believe that skills are equally important as academics, and for this reason, we have included a practical approach in our curriculum.

Currently, the focus is on progressive teaching and learning pedagogy in which knowledge, skills, technology, and attitude are equally valued. How have you implemented this approach in your school?

In addition to our regular curriculum, we offer various extracurricular activities such as yoga, robotics, and AI classes. We also encourage students to participate in activities like singing, dancing, science and technology, project work, vocational training, and handwriting. We aim to provide students with practical knowledge by utilizing our resources. We are continuously upgrading our computer labs and libraries to support their learning. Our ultimate goal is to prepare students to be job-ready and contribute to the country's development.

The involvement of parents and the community is essential in improving the quality of education. How have you ensured their involvement in your school?

Our teaching-learning activities and students' daily activities have over 90% parent engagement. We hold four parent meetings each year and maintain good communication with them, and they are supporting us.

What are the major reasons that one should choose Laboratory Secondary School?

We have made significant progress compared to the past and are proud to have recently obtained our ISO certification. With 30 years of experience in the education sector, I have developed extensive knowledge about the education field in Nepal and can provide excellent guidance to my students. Our school meets all the criteria of a good institution, and we offer 15 to 20% scholarships to ensure that quality education is affordable to all. Our school is diverse, and we always prioritize the safety and academic progress of our students. We are confident that parents will be satisfied with their decision to choose our school for their children's education. Our goal is to help students develop multiple talents and skills that will serve them well in the future. We are confident that our graduates will go on to achieve great success in their lives.

What kind of support is needed from the local government to make this trust-model school more successful?

I have been living in Kirtipur for a long time. According to recent Education Acts, the local government has the right and responsibility to mentor schools and colleges up to grade 12. This means that the local government should create a suitable environment for both private and government-run educational institutions. Additionally, the local government should provide opportunities for students to learn vocational training and skills through industries, factories, and small local-level businesses in the area. It's important to note that 10% of students may not be capable of pursuing education due to various reasons, and the local government should find the causes and solutions to these kinds of problems. The local government should also monitor and supervise all the schools and colleges. Fortunately, we have a good connection with the local government of Kirtipur and are receiving excellent support. As an educationalist, I'm actively participating in activities aimed at progressing the education sector of Kritipur.

Lastly, what would you like to suggest to students and parents as the principal of Laboratory Secondary School?

As the principal of Laboratory Secondary School, I would like to suggest to students and parents to prioritize education and learning. Education is the foundation for a successful future, and it's crucial to take it seriously. Students should attend classes regularly, complete their homework and assignments on time, and actively participate in extracurricular activities. Parents should also play an active role in their children's education by monitoring their progress, providing them with resources and support, and encouraging them to pursue their interests. Additionally, students and parents should communicate with teachers and school administrators if they have any concerns or questions. By working together, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment that will benefit all students.Top of Form

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