Involving Parents in Decision-Making Processes Is Essential for the Growth of a School

Involving Parents in Decision-Making Processes Is Essential for the Growth of a School

Lokendra Dhakal is the Headmaster of Sanjiwani Model Secondary School. He previously served as a science teacher in a school and a math instructor at the college level. Sanjiwani School focuses on teaching science and engineering in the morning, starting from grade 9. Additionally, it offers a pre-repository course (PRC) as a bridging program for approximately 100 students, who are required to pay a minimal fee. He shares his experiences and insights with College Readers. Excerpts

What sets Sanjiwani School apart from others?

Sanjiwani School distinguishes itself through several unique features. Firstly, it provides a healthy and conducive learning environment for its students. The school ensures that proper infrastructure, such as electricity and fans, is in place, creating a comfortable atmosphere for learning. One notable aspect of Sanjiwani School is its cooperative and dedicated team of teachers. They are committed to providing quality education and support to the students. Additionally, the school recognizes the importance of student health and well-being. Hence, it has a dedicated nurse on-site who can address common illnesses and provide necessary medical assistance when needed. An outstanding feature of Sanjiwani School is its proactive approach to student health. The school not only focuses on academic excellence but also prioritizes the physical well-being of its students. By offering medical assistance for common ailments within the school premises, students can receive timely care and continue their education without significant disruptions. Sanjiwani School upholds a standard of excellence by enrolling students through a selective process. Rather than admitting every student, the school ensures that the admission process includes an entrance examination. This careful selection process allows the school to maintain its quality standards and foster an environment where motivated and capable students can thrive. Sanjiwani School stands out due to its commitment to providing a healthy environment, well-equipped infrastructure, supportive teachers, on-site medical facilities, and a selective admission process. These unique aspects contribute to creating an environment that nurtures both the academic and overall well-being of its students.

What accomplishments or successes has this school achieved?

Sanjiwani School has achieved notable accomplishments in terms of student success and post-graduation outcomes. Many of our students have earned prestigious scholarships to pursue their studies in the field of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery). This achievement reflects the effectiveness of our teaching methodologies and the support provided to our students, enabling them to meet the rigorous criteria for such scholarships. Furthermore, our students have performed exceptionally well in their examinations, securing impressive ranks. Their outstanding academic performance is a testament to the quality education they receive at our school. It not only prepares them for higher education but also equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields. One significant achievement of Sanjiwani School is the successful transition of our graduates into the workforce. Unlike being unemployed, all our students who have completed their education at our school are actively engaged in various professional endeavors. This accomplishment showcases the practical and career-oriented approach of our curriculum, which equips students with the skills and qualifications required for gainful employment. Sanjiwani School has a track record of achievements that includes students receiving scholarships in the field of MBBS, excellent rankings in examinations, and successful employment outcomes for our graduates. These accomplishments reflect the dedication of our teachers, the effectiveness of our teaching methods, and the holistic approach we take towards preparing students for their future careers.

What measures are we implementing to ensure the delivery of high-quality education?

To ensure the provision of high-quality education, Sanjiwani School has implemented various initiatives and activities. Firstly, we have made Wi-Fi accessible in all our buildings. This enables students to utilize digital resources, conduct research, and engage in online learning opportunities, enhancing their educational experience. We prioritize continuity of learning by adopting a proactive approach. Even if a teacher is absent, we ensure that no class is left unattended. Alternative arrangements are made, such as having substitute teachers or assigning responsible staff members to oversee the class. This ensures that students receive continuous guidance and support, minimizing any disruption in their learning process. Recognizing the importance of a well-stocked library, we have established a dedicated library facility catering to students from grade 8 and onwards. This provides them with access to a wide range of books, reference materials, and resources, fostering a culture of reading, research, and independent learning. Sanjiwani School places emphasis on the holistic development of students. In line with this philosophy, we conduct yoga classes for students starting from grade six and above. These classes are organized in groups, allowing students to engage in physical exercise, mindfulness, and stress management techniques. By incorporating yoga into the curriculum, we promote overall well-being and mental health, enhancing students' overall learning experience. Sanjiwani School takes several measures to ensure the delivery of high-quality education. These include providing Wi-Fi accessibility, ensuring classes are never left unattended, establishing a well-equipped library, and conducting yoga classes for students. By incorporating technology, promoting continuous learning, facilitating independent research, and focusing on holistic development, we strive to create an enriching and comprehensive educational environment for our students.

What actions should be taken to enhance parental satisfaction and build stronger relationships with parents?

Given that our school operates under government funding, parents have expressed their willingness to contribute additional funds for the provision of healthy food to their children. During a meeting conducted with parents, they voiced their support and willingness to increase their financial contributions. They specifically emphasized the importance of nutritious meals for their children's well-being. This positive response from parents presents an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the school and parents. To further win the hearts of parents, several steps can be taken. Firstly, the school administration can initiate discussions with parents to explore ways to improve the quality of meals provided within the available resources. This could involve collaborating with nutritionists or experts in the field to develop healthier menu options that align with the budgetary constraints. Additionally, the school can establish a transparent and inclusive communication channel with parents. This can be achieved through regular parent-teacher meetings, newsletters, or digital platforms, where parents are updated about school activities, curriculum, and their children's progress. Encouraging parents to actively participate in their child's education through volunteer opportunities or involvement in school events can also foster a sense of ownership and cooperation. Furthermore, the school can consider incorporating parental feedback and suggestions into decision-making processes. By actively seeking input and involving parents in school-related matters, such as curriculum development or extracurricular activities, their trust and confidence in the school's leadership can be further strengthened. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the parents' willingness to contribute financially and win their support for the school's growth. In response, the school administration can demonstrate transparency in financial matters, ensuring that the additional funds provided by parents are utilized effectively for the betterment of the students' educational experience. To win the hearts of parents and strengthen the relationship with them, the school can take steps such as engaging in discussions about providing healthier food options, maintaining open and transparent communication channels, involving parents in decision-making processes, and demonstrating accountability in financial matters. By actively involving parents and addressing their concerns, the school can create a supportive and collaborative environment that prioritizes the well-being and education of the students.

What message would you like to suggest SEE graduates?

We provide counseling sessions to our grade 10 students prior to their SEE examinations. The purpose of these sessions is to guide and motivate them towards productive activities during the two-month gap after the examinations. We encourage them to utilize this time effectively by engaging in activities that align with their interests, such as learning computer skills or exploring other subjects. For students who have chosen the engineering stream since grade 9, we offer On-the-Job Training (OJT) opportunities. This practical training allows them to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field, supplementing their theoretical knowledge. By participating in OJT, students can develop a deeper understanding of engineering principles and enhance their skills, preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors. Moreover, during the counseling sessions, we emphasize the importance of lifelong learning and personal growth. We encourage students to continue their educational journey beyond the SEE examinations, highlighting the value of pursuing higher studies or vocational training in fields of their interest. By instilling a sense of curiosity and continuous learning, we aim to inspire students to explore their potential and expand their horizons. Additionally, we provide guidance on setting goals and creating a structured plan for their post-SEE period. We emphasize the significance of time management and self-discipline, encouraging students to utilize their time wisely and strike a balance between leisure activities and personal development.

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