I am qualified and assert my candidacy for the Vice-President position

I am qualified and assert my candidacy for the Vice-President position

The role of Vice-President for HISSAN Kathmandu in the upcoming 6th convention demands a leadership characterized by dynamism, an understanding of members’ mentality, the ability to expand the organization, and the inclusive representation of all institutes, regardless of size, within our association. We are seeking a leader who is not only creative, active, and qualified but also possesses the ability to navigate the diverse needs of our membership.

The role of Vice-President for HISSAN Kathmandu in the upcoming 6th convention demands a leadership characterized by dynamism, an understanding of members’ mentality, the ability to expand the organization, and the inclusive representation of all institutes, regardless of size, within our association. We are seeking a leader who is not only creative, active, and qualified but also possesses the ability to navigate the diverse needs of our membership.


Qualities in HISSAN Kathmandu Candidates: Certainly, within HISSAN Kathmandu, there exists a pool of candidates showcasing commendable leadership qualities. The noteworthy aspect of HISSAN Kathmandu lies in its extensive membership, making its leader highly selective. Through a historical lens, we observe members diligently working their way up to the presidency. I am confident that, this time as well, the President will emerge as a deserving candidate.

Aspiration for the Vice President Role: Every individual aspires to attain a prominent position based on their hard work, dedication, and passion. Leveraging my wealth of experiences within this institute, my aspiration is to secure the position of Vice President. I firmly believe that I can make substantial contributions to fulfilling pending tasks for the organization’s welfare through active participation and responsible conduct.

Ensuring Acceptance as Vice President: While individual members may have distinct interests, our well-organized association follows a structured decision-making process. The majority of members are prepared to endorse my candidacy for the Vice President role, providing the encouragement needed to step forward.

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