Himrashmi School Determined to Nurturing Young Minds for Success

Himrashmi School Determined to Nurturing Young Minds for Success

Him Rashmi High School, situated in Tarakeshwor Municipality-9, Kathmandu, is a prestigious educational institution committed to academic excellence. Established in 2058 BS, the school emphasizes humanitarian values and skill-based education.

Lokendra Bahadur Khadka serves as the Founder Principal of Him Rashmi High School. Through his visionary leadership, along with a team of educational experts and professionals, the school has achieved recognition as an International School Award winner by the British Council. Mr. Khadka recently shared his insights on education with College Readers. Excerpts:

How do you assess your school's academic progress?

If quality is judged by grades, then Him Rashmi School is undeniably successful. Recently, two of our students achieved a 4 GPA, with the majority scoring above 3.60 in the SEE exams. Our track record of exceptional results spans several years. Our approach prioritizes the curriculum over textbooks, emphasizing skill-based, practical learning, and project-based education. The British Council has honored us twice with an international school award for our commitment to project-based education.

How have you integrated education with skills, values, attitudes, and culture in your school?

Among a select few institutions, Him Rashmi School stands out for its balanced focus on education, sports, and creativity. Our commitment to nurturing talent is evident through the literary works produced by our students. Notably, several national athletes have emerged from our alumni. The curriculum integrates both theoretical and practical components, emphasizing a well-rounded education. We emphasize the fusion of education with practical skills and values. At our school, the emphasis lies on instilling discipline, morals, and values over mere academic grades. Recognizing the diverse interests and aptitudes of each student, we tailor our approach to support their holistic development. Our environment is free of punitive measures, fostering a positive atmosphere for growth. A significant number of our teachers have been with us since the school's inception, remaining attuned to the evolving needs of both time and society. Continuous professional development is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy, with a strong emphasis on ongoing training for all teachers.

Parental involvement and community engagement are equally crucial for the quality of students' education. What are your thoughts on this?

Schools that disregard parental involvement will not survive. Nowadays, parents are not just concerned about their children's grades; they also consider the school's environment, history, teachers, student behavior, and overall improvement. We prioritize maintaining a strong connection with parents, holding sessions to listen to their feedback and address any complaints. Our focus is on ensuring parents understand our goals and initiatives, resulting in positive public relations. Extensive research has been conducted to understand parents' perspectives on schools.

This is the age of technology, and we have witnessed the widespread use of AI nowadays. What are your thoughts on the challenges posed by this trend?

In developed countries, AI application is straightforward, but in developing nations like Nepal, it may hinder progress. Technology is replacing many jobs, leading to dependence on it. Misuse of AI can pose risks to humans, while its proper use can enhance quality of life. Technology enables easy learning. A major challenge of AI is producing globally competitive students. Emphasizing vocational education is crucial as students seek opportunities abroad in countries like Israel and Japan where their skills are highly valued. It is essential to cultivate a workforce capable of meeting future market demands. Education should shift focus from marks to real-life applications with ethics and values. Schools need to update their curricula and workforce to align with global requirements.

In the past, the main draw of private schools was the English language. However, the current scenario calls for changes. What changes are necessary in private schools today?

In the past, I used to think that private schools were only for English language education. But now we realize that English is simply a medium and not a measure of educational quality. Schools offer much more to students. The school environment should be student-friendly, studies should follow the curriculum, teachers should be well-trained, and education should be accompanied by cultural practices. School attractions can include literature, especially Nepali literature, and sports. Schools should strive to create a homely environment.

How can we best equip students with modern skills, regardless of whether they attend government or private schools?

There should be no differences between government and private schools. It’s just that infrastructure and teachers’ salaries are from the government; otherwise, there should be no terms like private schools and government schools. Our main aim is educating students. Both schools, whether private or government-run, introduce a modern approach to teaching-learning pedagogy in a progressive mode. We should connect education with skill, value, and technology in our curriculum.

What messages would you like to convey to parents and students?

Every school has its strengths. It is essential to evaluate their history, adherence to curriculum, student-friendly atmosphere, and qualified educators. Each school member must exhibit responsibility and diligence. Success cannot be achieved through pressure. Parents should consider schools with effective management systems when selecting a school for their children. Our school fosters a student-friendly and technology-driven environment, featuring updated educators, solid infrastructure, and effective teaching methods. We are currently in a phase of growth and are committed to enhancing our school further.

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