Guidance and Counseling are Key to Students' Development

Guidance and Counseling are Key to Students' Development

Kiran Sapkota is the Principal of Prativa Secondary School, Pokhara. He has spent more than three decades serving education and lending leadership to educational institutions. The school he leads had produced top-ranking students in various disciplines. He has shared his experience and educational insights with College Readers. Excerpts:

What are the remarkable achievements of Prativa Secondary School?

Prativa Secondary School was established in the year 1986 AD and has since then undergone various ups and downs. The school has had its share of challenges and achievements over the years. The school has been fortunate to have the support of a team of skilled and experienced human resources who have contributed to the growth and success of the institution. The students of the school have also been acknowledged for their hard work, dedication, and conscientiousness. In order to promote academic excellence and prepare its students for future careers, Prativa Secondary School has adopted innovative approaches to education. The school offers pre-medical and pre-engineering courses to grade 11 students to provide them with a strong foundation in these fields. Management students are required to attend CMAT courses to develop their business and management skills. The school conducts a weekly written exam to evaluate the academic progress of its students. Students who perform exceptionally well in these exams are recognized and awarded for their achievements. In 2017, one of the school's science students ranked second in Kaski District, which is a significant achievement for the school. Shruti Pandey, a student of Prativa Secondary School, achieved a remarkable 3.9 GPA and topped the 12th grade in Pokhara for the first time. Jiyan Milan ranked first in the MBBS entrance exam, which is a highly competitive and prestigious exam. Subina Gurung secured a seat at TU/TS after passing the MBBS entrance exam in 2018, which is a great accomplishment. In 2020, Kushal Lamichhane ranked 18th in the MBBS entrance exam, which is a highly competitive and difficult exam. In addition to academic programs, the school also offers career counseling and personal development programs to help its students in their personal and professional growth. The school also conducts business plan presentations, where students can showcase their business ideas and skills. The winner of this competition is awarded seed money of 5 lakhs annually, which can be used to support their business ventures. In conclusion, Prativa Secondary School has a rich history of academic excellence and achievements. The school's innovative approaches to education and personal development have helped its students to excel in their careers and personal lives. The school's commitment to providing its students with a strong foundation in various fields has made it one of the most sought-after schools in the region.

How has Prativa Secondary School helped the students to read here in Pokhara instead of going to Kathmandu?

The schools in Pokhara are committed to ensuring that their students have access to all the necessary resources and are provided with high-quality education that meets their needs. This is being done with the aim of encouraging students to stay in the city and not relocate elsewhere. The schools affiliated with HISSAN (Higher Institutions and Secondary Schools Association of Nepal) and PABSON (Private and Boarding Schools' Organization Nepal) are making significant efforts to retain students in Pokhara. These schools have been successful in achieving the objectives, as evidenced by the excellent outcomes and results produced by their students. The quality of education provided in these schools is among the best in the country, which has made Pokhara a desirable destination for students seeking quality education. This, in turn, has led to a decrease in the trend of students leaving the city. The role played by HISSAN and PABSON in encouraging students to stay in Pokhara cannot be diluted. These schools are not only providing quality education but also creating an environment that fosters personal and academic growth. They are offering students opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, career counseling, and personal development programs that help them prepare for their future. Overall, the schools in Pokhara are making a significant contribution to the education sector in Nepal. Their efforts to provide high-quality education, accessible resources, and personal growth opportunities are not only retaining students in the city but also attracting students from other parts of the country. The success achieved by these schools is a testament to their dedication to providing education of the highest standard.

How has digitization been instrumental to implement the holistic approach of providing quality education?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools around the world were forced to close their doors, disrupting the education of millions of students. In this challenging environment, some schools were able to quickly adapt to the new reality and continue providing quality education through digital and online platforms, while others struggled to maintain continuity of learning. Our school was one of the institutions that rose to the occasion and made a concerted effort to provide our students with the resources they needed to continue learning from home. To this end, we implemented various digital and online platforms, such as video conferencing software, online learning management systems, and digital libraries, to enable our students to participate in remote learning. We also continued to assign homework and projects, which our students completed and submitted online, ensuring that they continued to receive a quality education despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. Through these efforts, we demonstrated our unwavering commitment to our students and their education, even in the face of adversity. By embracing innovation and technology, we were able to provide our students with the tools and resources they needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
What are the essentialities an educator should consider while imparting knowledge?

Many students in Nepal are highly motivated to pursue higher education, with the ultimate goal of securing a good job and earning a decent livelihood. However, there is a general perception among students that the opportunities for professional growth and success are limited within Nepal. This misconception is fueling a trend where many students are seeking higher education outside of the country, often at significant financial and personal costs. In order to counter this trend and encourage students to consider the benefits of pursuing higher education within Nepal, schools and colleges need to provide more than just quality content delivery. It is important to offer guidance and counseling about the various opportunities that are available within the country. This can be done through motivational seminars, career guidance workshops, and other large-scale events. By bringing together experts from various industries and fields, students can be introduced to the wide range of professional opportunities that exist within Nepal. They can also receive practical guidance on how to pursue their career aspirations, including information about various scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities that are available to students who want to pursue higher education within Nepal. In addition, it is important to address the various misconceptions that exist about the lack of professional opportunities in Nepal. This can be done through targeted outreach campaigns, social media campaigns, and other communications efforts. By dispelling these misconceptions and highlighting the many opportunities that exist within Nepal, we can encourage more students to pursue higher education within the country and contribute to the development of Nepal's economy and society. We want to develop Prativa Secondary School as a mega school.

Now, NEB has authority to evaluate the final exams of grade 11. It is often heard that the provision has slackened the results and study culture of the students. How far do you agree?
Developing an annual plan with the help of experts and sharing it with parents and students in the form of a booklet is a crucial aspect of our educational approach. We aim to provide our students with all the necessary educational requirements to help them achieve their goals. However, we understand that ultimately, their success depends on their individual efforts and motivation. To ensure that our students are well-prepared for the future, we follow the examination guidelines set by HISSAN. Until last year, students who failed in two subjects were required to pass the grade up exams before moving on to the next level. While this policy aimed to encourage students to work harder and improve their performance, it also put additional pressure on them. Unfortunately, some of the rules and regulations set by the education board can be counterproductive and negatively impact students' education. For example, the recent change requiring students who previously studied social studies in English until grade 10 to switch to Nepali may be difficult for them. Such changes can be particularly challenging for students who may struggle with the language, resulting in decreased academic performance and a lack of enthusiasm for learning. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to providing our students with the best possible education and preparing them for success in the future. We continue to collaborate with experts and implement new strategies to enhance our educational approach and support our students' learning journey.

How does the performance in grade XI affect the result in grade XII?
Passing 11th grade is not an easy feat, and students must work hard and pass all their subjects to advance to the next level. The performance in 11th grade has a significant impact on the performance in 12th grade, as the curriculum is interconnected. A weak performance in 11th grade can lead to struggles in 12th grade, and it is crucial for students to perform well throughout their academic journey to achieve success. In short, the 11th and 12th-grade curriculum is linked, and a student's performance in 11th grade can influence their academic performance in the following year.

What fundamental principle sets Prativa apart from the rest?
At our school, we understand the importance of planning for the future and encourage our students to do so from an early age. Grade 9 is a crucial stage in a student's academic journey, as the subjects they choose at this stage can shape their future career path. Our aim is to guide our students to make informed decisions based on their interests and talents. We believe in teaching our students to listen to and consider the opinions of others, but ultimately make decisions that align with their interests and talents. Every child is unique, with their own set of skills and abilities, and we encourage them to choose subjects that align with their passions, rather than choosing based on peer or family pressure. By doing so, they will be more motivated to learn and excel in their chosen field, leading to a successful and fulfilling career in the future. It is crucial for students to understand that their decisions at this stage can have a significant impact on their future. We guide our students to explore different career options and understand the job market's current trends and demands. We provide them with the necessary resources and support to make informed decisions, including access to counseling and career guidance services. We believe that a well-planned academic journey can help our students achieve their goals and aspirations. By setting realistic goals and pursuing subjects that align with their interests and talents, they can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers. This approach not only benefits them in the present but also lays the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life in the future.

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