Dr. Tilak Ram Acharya: an Instigator of a Profound Metamorphosis at Lumbini Buddhist University

Dr. Tilak Ram Acharya: an Instigator of a Profound Metamorphosis at Lumbini Buddhist University

Dr. Tilak Ram Acharya currently serves as the Registrar of Lumbini Buddhist University. Under his dedicated leadership, the university has introduced Buddhist Studies to Nepal for the first time, marking a significant achievement.

Dr. Tilak Ram Acharya currently serves as the Registrar of Lumbini Buddhist University. Under his dedicated leadership, the university has introduced Buddhist Studies to Nepal for the first time, marking a significant achievement. Dr. Acharya has been instrumental in advancing the understanding and appreciation of Buddhist philosophy and literature on a global scale. His adept management skills also extend to efficiently overseeing the university's administrative matters. Notably, he has been tirelessly working to transform the university into a renowned international hub for Buddhist Studies and research.

Dr. Acharya's journey into Buddhist Studies began during his twenty-year tenure in Nepalese journalism, during which he seized a remarkable opportunity to delve into Buddhist philosophy and the teachings of Buddha. This pursuit eventually led him to earn a post-graduate diploma, a master's degree, and ultimately a PhD in Buddhist Approach to Welfare State. His profound admiration for Gautam Buddha's teachings greatly influenced his academic path.

With a visionary outlook, Dr. Acharya envisions Lumbini Buddhist University as a symbol of peace development, a center for cutting-edge research, and a hub for contemporary studies. Established in 2061, the university initially saw minimal progress until the enactment of the University Act in 2063, which facilitated the establishment of essential infrastructure, recruitment of students, teachers, and staff. Despite starting with only a name and a modest contact office in Kathmandu, the university's evolution has been shaped by Dr. Acharya's dedicated efforts and transformative leadership.

What occurred after the year 2070?

Tilak Acharya, who successfully obtained a Master's degree in Buddhist Studies from Tribhuvan University, became associated with the Central Campus of Lumbini Buddhist University, assuming a partial teaching role.

During that period, Lumbini Buddhist University remained relatively obscure until 2074 B.S. Its presence was limited mainly to Kathmandu, and on-campus teaching and learning had not yet commenced. Despite nearly ten years since its establishment, the university had just one Ph.D. researcher, and its administrative operations were primarily centered in Kathmandu, with occasional visits to Lumbini.

A decade ago, Acharya, in his capacity as a part-time teacher, enrolled at Lumbini Buddhist University and took on the responsibility of conducting classes in Lumbini. While the officials stationed in Kathmandu had set up a central office, resembling tourists, there was a lack of students, infrastructure, and adequate personnel for educational activities. Nevertheless, Acharya took on the role of teaching. During that time, both Campus Chief Indra Kafle and Acharya were actively seeking students to join the campus.

A student raised a question, expressing, "I was instructed to study Buddhist philosophy, but everywhere I went, the focus seemed to be solely on intellectual matters. Why is that?" He recounted his past experiences. Faced with initial challenges in initiating studies smoothly, he devised a unique approach - he gathered undergraduate degree certificates from friends and acquaintances, which enabled him to commence a class with 40 students. This approach brought a sense of relief to the teacher for the first time in the classroom.

Running the class did not pose significant difficulties for the teacher. Students from various directions, encompassing the east, west, north, and south, journeyed to Lumbini for their studies. The teacher and students even traveled in their own vehicle to study from locations like Butwal and Bhairahawa. While the teacher received a salary of Rs. 600 for each partial teaching session, the cost of commuting the students in his own vehicle for university studies resulted in substantial fuel expenses.

Initiating his journey at LBU as a part-time teacher in 2072 BS, he quickly progressed to become the Assistant Campus Chief within the same year after a few months of service. Alongside his teaching and administrative duties, he also engaged in securing the necessary land for the university. Drawing upon his understanding of the geographical and political landscape of the region, he made multiple trips to Kathmandu to meet with government ministers, leaders, and administrators, employing diplomatic means. Despite his discomfort with car travel, he even resorted to round-trip flights, funding them personally.

Recalling those times, he chuckles, stating, "When I went to acquire land, I ended up spending over 50,000 rupees just on plane fares. Despite fulfilling the university's requirements, the file was returned." His deep attachment to Buddhist philosophy led him to wholeheartedly commit himself to the university. Having been involved in journalism for more than two decades, he ventured into the study of Buddhist philosophy as a means to address the challenges he faced in reporting news.

In 2060, there was a heated national debate over whether Buddha was born in India or Nepal. Lacking the necessary information to report on this, he was amazed when an ordinary individual provided him with intricate details about Buddha, despite the man's lack of formal education. This incident led to his admission to Tribhuvan University.

By 2062 BS, he had completed his Master's degree in Buddhist Studies from Tribhuvan University. He furthered his education, earning his PhD by 2075 BS. A decade after obtaining his Master's, he ascended to the position of Assistant Campus Chief, marking the beginning of a swift advancement in his career.

Concurrently, the role of university registrar became vacant, and he was offered the position. In response, he noted that a successful university requires dedicated workers, not just professors, and he proceeded to substantiate this viewpoint. "I demonstrated it," he remarks.

Upon assuming the role of Registrar, he promptly traveled to the central office in Lumbini and participated in his first official attendance there, becoming the inaugural individual to reach the Central Office in Lumbini.

He held a strong belief that the success of a university hinged on the relentless dedication of hardworking officers’ day and night. Upon his appointment as registrar in the academic year 2073 (2016/2017), he embraced the responsibility of ensuring the university's prosperity, including the pioneering establishment of the central university office in Lumbini.

Upon assuming the executive role, Acharya took proactive steps to rapidly propel the university's advancement. Within a span of ten years, the university, previously obscure, garnered widespread acknowledgment and esteem. "The value of Buddhist philosophy and the university's significance eluded many," he remarks. "Certain individuals aimed solely to bask in their positions, but such an approach wouldn't foster the university's development."

With his elevation to the executive position, the Chancellor elevated the university's progress to unprecedented levels. In a mere decade of anonymity, the university transformed into a renowned institution. "Numerous individuals fail to grasp the import of Buddhist philosophy and the university," he comments. "Their perspective fixates on power and authority, neglecting the essential growth of the university."

Top Priority in Building Infrastructure

The Registrar himself assumed the lead role in driving the advancement of the university. Understanding the indispensable nature of adequate infrastructure for a functioning university, he made it his foremost objective to concentrate on erecting essential structures during the initial phases.

On multiple occasions, he engaged with Members of Parliament and ministers to secure funds and land for the university. Overcoming local-level obstacles was also part of his efforts to propel the university's interests forward.

He established a modern central office at Parsa Chowk in Lumbini and supervised the construction of various edifices within the university grounds, including the Lumbini Development Fund officers' residence building, a dormitory, a hostel in Khadaiya, and faculty housing. A contemporary library was established, earning him a second term as registrar.

Tilak Acharya successfully acquired a hundred bighas of land in Devdaha and an additional parcel in Naya Gaun, Butwal, where he established a City College.

The acquisition of university land was facilitated by individuals like Bishnu Prasad Paudel, a Member of Parliament from Rupandehi Constituency No. 2, Chavi Lal, a Member of Parliament from Constituency No. 1, and state MP Bhoj Prasad Shrestha, along with other parliamentarians from Rupandehi. This collaborative effort provided Acharya with a sense of reassurance.

Dr. Acharya instigated substantial enhancements in the university's physical infrastructure. Presently, construction is underway for a research center building within the Lumbini Development Fund's precincts. Furthermore, the necessary land for the university has been acquired. A plan to establish contemporary infrastructure in Devdaha is also part of his agenda.

Thanks to his robust relationships and lobbying, former President Vidya Devi Bhandari, ex-Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, and former ministers made unprecedented visits to the central office. Even Sri Lankan President Mahendra Rajapaksa toured the university. These visits aimed not only to raise the university's profile within the country but also to gain global recognition. "This university belongs not just to Nepal; it stands as a global institution acknowledged and studied by the international community," he asserts. "This achievable vision lies in the near future."

Recognition for Financial Management

Acharya, who has invested substantial sums in both educational and infrastructure advancement, is poised to achieve a notable distinction: becoming the inaugural university official in the nation to be honored with an award for exemplary fiscal prudence. The Chief Secretary has twice bestowed accolades upon him for his exceptional financial administration. Serving as the chairperson of the Beruju (those amounts of expenditure incurred, or advances or payments made, which are out of sync with the rules and regulations) Monitoring Committee, the Chief Secretary granted him this recognition for two consecutive years. While numerous other universities contend with significant financial discrepancies in the millions, Lumbini boasts a Beruju of less than one percent. Currently, his efforts are dedicated to eliminating this Beruju.

Educational Advancement

Merely possessing the necessary infrastructure for university operations fell short of requirements. Essential prerequisites included a curriculum to teach and a student body to learn. Acharya took the lead in transforming the university, initially centered around Buddhist philosophy, into a diverse academic institution. This step aimed to attract students by introducing new subjects and producing skilled professionals. Subsequently, an amendment by the federal parliament converted the university into a fully government-owned, multidisciplinary entity.

The university, which initially coerced student enrollment, now accommodates approximately 3,000 students, including international ones. It spans constituent and branch campuses across Lumbini, Kapilvastu, Devdaha, Butwal, and boasts seven affiliated colleges in Kathmandu.

Growing student interest is evident in the demand for novel disciplines like Travel and Tourism and a Liberal Arts B.A. program. In the current academic term, three additional subjects, namely Agroforestry, Environment, and Development Studies, have been incorporated into the curriculum. These subjects are anticipated to contribute to the creation of skilled human resources for development endeavors. Professors exhibit confidence in the potential of these disciplines.

As of now, only a few tasks remain. Infrastructure development efforts are nearing completion. The central objective of cultivating adept professionals through the university endures. "Public concern has shifted toward the university, and it has reached a point where government agencies actively seek university partnerships," he remarks. "Though progress is gaining momentum toward its pinnacle, sustained effort is essential for it to reach the zenith."

A strategy is in place to enhance international student enrollment by attracting hundreds of foreign scholars. A handful of foreign students have already enrolled in new programs. The aspiration is to escalate the pace of expansion. Furthermore, the university envisions evolving into a hub for academic tourism.

Rising Student Numbers

Presently, Lumbini Buddhist University boasts an enrollment of approximately 2,000 students, a diverse cohort that includes international learners hailing from countries such as China, Sri Lanka, and Burma, all drawn by a keen interest in studying Buddhist philosophy. Acharya envisions a future where the university fosters an environment conducive to research and studies for students worldwide.

The university's footprint extends across various locations, encompassing schools and campuses in Lumbini, Devdaha, and Butwal, in addition to its primary three campuses and seven affiliated campuses. Among the affiliated campuses, seven are situated in Kathmandu, and Pragya College stands as an institution imparting education on diverse subjects, encompassing Buddhist philosophy.

The introduction of novel academic offerings like Travel and Tourism, as well as the BALLB program, has sparked a discernible surge in student enthusiasm within the university.

Moreover, fields such as Agro, Forestry, Environmental Science, and Development Studies are progressively garnering heightened appeal among students.


Future Endeavors

The university has acquired approximately 100 bighas of land in Rupandehi's Devdah. In Butwal, there stands an official campus. The City Campus, presently located on land donated by Naya Gaun Secondary School, has a fully constructed educational building. Ambitions include establishing three schools in the Butwal region, with ongoing construction of the Dean's office infrastructure.

As the Registrar and Acting Vice-Chancellor, Acharya envisions elevating the university to a center of excellence in Buddhist philosophy, aspiring to secure a position as the nation's third-best university. In contrast to Butwal, the university won't emphasize commercial subjects.

Courses currently offered encompass Buddhist philosophy, Pali, Sanskrit, Bhot, and Chinese languages. Notably, more than 70 Lamas and Gurumas are enrolled in an undergraduate program, instructed in the Bhot language—an option previously absent and necessitating travel to India.

Detailed plans for physical infrastructure development in Devdah are in place, encompassing educational and administrative buildings, meditation centers, stadiums, and museums aligned with Buddhist philosophy. Construction is slated to commence imminently, although budgetary constraints pose a challenge. However, the Registrar remains hopeful that funding from the University Grants Commission and government sources will be secured.

The commitment to executing these plans is unwavering. The university speaker recommends instituting a classification system based on quality, which would facilitate resource management. Monitoring and evaluating quality would be essential components, requiring a dedicated plan from the University Grants Commission.

To ensure effective academic management and administrative services, the individual suggests maintaining a 70% academic and 30% administrative staff ratio.

Dr. Acharya underscores the significance of advancing both academic and infrastructure facets. To bolster its prominence, the university continually arranges national and international seminars.

Utilizing Achievements of Local Leaders to Propel Progress: The Evolution of Lumbini Buddhist University

The effectiveness of leadership and management often shapes the trajectory of an organization's success. In the case of Lumbini Buddhist University, the reaffirmation of Kulman Ghising, former managing director of Nepal Electricity Authority, and the accolades garnered by Dr. Tilak Acharya, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, have ignited a substantial surge in the institution's advancement. Capitalizing on this strong foundation, the university aspires to achieve remarkable strides in global renown and significance. This essay delves into the contributing factors behind the university's expansion and outlines strategies for elevating its reputation and influence even further.

1.            Leadership and Management Triumph:

Kulman Ghising's accomplishments during his tenure as the former managing director of Nepal Electricity Authority, widely known as the "Kulman Model," have garnered significant praise across social media platforms. This groundswell of support has led to widespread endorsement for his reinstatement at the university. Similarly, Dr. Tilak Acharya's remarkable prowess in financial management and the commendations bestowed upon him by the Chief Secretary have firmly established his position as an esteemed leader. These individuals have effectively showcased their aptitude for driving positive transformation and efficient administration, providing a strong foundation for the university's advancement.

2.            International Acknowledgment and Collaborative Endeavors:

The visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse to the university has substantially amplified its global recognition. Diplomatic mission’s head from different countries, leaders and senior officials from international governmental organizations make frequent visits to Lumbini Buddhist University.  Such prominent visits and collaborations with international dignitaries hold the potential to open avenues for the university to engage in enhanced research partnerships, enriched academic exchanges, and expanded global networking. Bolstering connections with other esteemed academic institutions and international bodies will empower the university to gain insights, access valuable resources, and augment its academic prestige. Dr. Acharya established an International Relations center with the aim of advancing international collaboration in academia. By exposing students and faculty to a variety of viewpoints and promoting cross-cultural understanding, this project increased the university's worldwide reach and improved their learning experiences.

3.            Emphasis on Research and Educational Centers:

The university's strategic vision to establish research centers dedicated to the exploration of Buddhist heritage and culture across all seven provinces of the nation serves as a calculated move to advance the study and research of Buddhist philosophy. Through this initiative, Lumbini Buddhist University will not only emerge as a focal point for Buddhist education but will also play a pivotal role in conserving and propagating Buddhist art, culture, and literature. These centers hold the potential to catalyze regional development and heighten awareness about the profound cultural significance of Buddhism. By creating a specialized research center, Lumbini Buddhist University demonstrated its dedication to intellectual development and academic investigation. This center serves as a nexus for rigorous academic research projects, notably those involving Buddhist philosophy.

4.            Fortifying Engagement with the Local Community:

The support garnered from local officials, staff members, civil society groups, and the residents of Lumbini underscores the university's robust bond with its immediate community. Continued interaction with the local populace will foster a sense of ownership and pride among stakeholders, ultimately leading to amplified backing for the university's undertakings. By seamlessly integrating local perspectives and needs into their academic programs and research endeavors, the university can effectuate a more profound and enduring impact on the surrounding region.

5.            Elevating the Focus on Sustainable Development:

Though Dr. Tilak Acharya's aspiration of reducing the university's "Beruju" to zero might appear counterintuitive initially, it signifies a deeper commitment to sustainable development. Rather than pursuing rapid expansion without due consideration of the institution's capacity, the university intends to cultivate measured and sustainable growth. This approach ensures that the available resources and infrastructure can capably support its objectives. Such a prudent strategy will pave the way for enduring success, evading potential pitfalls linked to unsustainable expansion.

Recent accomplishments at Lumbini Buddhist University, propelled by the achievements of local leaders and visionary leadership, have erected a sturdy platform for future growth. By capitalizing on international acclaim, establishing robust research centers, fostering deep-rooted community engagement, and prioritizing sustainable development, the university is poised to make substantial strides in becoming a preeminent institution for Buddhist education, research, and cultural preservation. Perseverance in upholding core values and strategic planning will undoubtedly usher in even more remarkable accomplishments in the years ahead.


Lumbini Buddhist University: An Evolution Marked by Progress and Trials

Founded in 2061 BS, Lumbini Buddhist University occupies a crucial role in advancing and safeguarding Buddhist culture, philosophy, and legacy within Nepal. Spanning a span of 17 years, the university has traversed substantial milestones in the realms of academia and global partnerships. Nonetheless, akin to any educational institution, it has also encountered obstacles on its journey to realizing objectives and sustaining development. This research-centered composition delves into the accomplishments and trials encountered by Lumbini Buddhist University while outlining its prospective trajectories.

I. Milestones Attained by Lumbini Buddhist University:

1.            Educational Programs and Faculty Composition: Lumbini Buddhist University offers an extensive array of academic courses, encompassing both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, which span disciplines such as Buddhist studies, humanities, social sciences, and professional fields. With the establishment of three distinct faculties/schools, the university operates under the overarching goal of furnishing students with a comprehensive education that nurtures their physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.

2.            Global Collaboration and Acknowledgment: The renown of Lumbini Buddhist University has transcended Nepal's borders, attracting 33 international scholars hailing from nations such as Sri Lanka, China, and Myanmar. The university's active engagement in global Buddhist conventions and scholarly exchanges has further elevated its international standing, solidifying its status as a hub for academic discourse and cultural interchange.

3.            Envisioned Establishment of Research Centers: The university's visionary blueprint entails the establishment of research centers dispersed across various regions within Nepal. This strategic initiative harmonizes with the institution's overarching mission to foster Buddhist art, culture, and literature. These research centers are poised to facilitate the exploration and study of diverse Buddhist traditions and philosophies, thereby enriching Nepal's cultural heritage, and contributing to the broader global comprehension of Buddhism.

4.     Initiatives to Human Resource Management: By managing a variety of crucial activities during this time, Lumbini Buddhist University's Human Resource Management was crucial to the institution's effective operation. The University's hiring and promotion procedures for permanent and contract human resources, academic, and administrative employees were carried out satisfactorily. The University hired competent employees who matched the required credentials and were in line with the university's values and goals through diligent preparation and thorough review.


II. Obstacles Encountered by Lumbini Buddhist University:

1.            Insufficient Personnel: A foremost obstacle encountered by the university pertains to the inadequate availability of both academic and administrative staff members. The inability to secure authorization for additional positions has impeded the recruitment of qualified professionals, resulting in the university resorting to contractual and remuneration-based arrangements. This constraint undermines the university's ability to effectively expand and uphold its academic benchmarks.

2.            Limitations in Infrastructure and Resources: While the university strives for growth and endeavors to establish research centers, it grapples with scarcities in terms of physical infrastructure and operational resources. The creation of a fully-fledged college necessitates not only ample physical facilities but also a consistent influx of students and academic personnel.

3.            Viability and Competitiveness: In light of Nepal's integration into the World Trade Organization, the demand for Nepalese educational institutions to enhance their competitive edge and deliver pertinent educational programs has escalated. To ensure the enduring viability and competitiveness of Lumbini Buddhist University amidst the evolving educational landscape, it must persist in augmenting its offerings and aligning with the requisites of the global educational sphere.


III. Prospects for the Future and Resolutions:

1.            Tackling Personnel Deficit: A pressing matter for the university is to give precedence to the resolution of the existing staffing insufficiency. This entails procuring formal approval for requisite positions and initiating recruitment campaigns aimed at attracting adept faculty and efficient administrative personnel. The formation of a capable and adequately supported team is a pivotal determinant for upholding the university's expansion and academic standards.

2.            Strategic Allocation of Resources: To surmount challenges associated with resource constraints and infrastructural limitations, the university should embrace a calculated approach to the distribution of resources. Prudent utilization of funds and assets should be directed towards strategic domains, including the establishment of research centers and the advancement of academic pursuits.

3.            Evolution of Curriculum and Collaborative Ventures: The elevation of competitiveness can be achieved by the university through the strategic evolution of its curriculum, harmonizing academic programs with contemporary industry requisites and global trends. Engagement in partnerships with international institutions can introduce novel perspectives and resources, thereby augmenting the university's academic portfolio.

4.  Development of Lumbini Buddhist University as a Global Attraction: Lumbini Buddhist University's future call for it to become a major global center for learning and research. The University must strive to draw a diverse community of students and scholars from all over the world with an unwavering dedication to academic achievement and innovation. Lumbini Buddhist University should develop itself into a popular educational tourism destination, luring tourists looking to immerse themselves in Buddhism's rich history and philosophy and boosting the local economy as well as the institution. Lumbini Buddhist University also hopes to develop itself as a key hub for academic and research endeavors in this area by strategically focusing on promoting Buddhist philosophy on a global scale. The university works to promote cross-cultural understanding and expand the knowledge of Buddhist teachings on a global scale through multidisciplinary studies, international collaborations, and partnerships with famous institutions.

The trajectory of Lumbini Buddhist University's journey has been underscored by commendable accomplishments in fostering and safeguarding Buddhist culture and philosophical tenets. The institution's ambition to erect research centers and amplify academic offerings underscores its unwavering commitment to propelling knowledge in this domain. Nevertheless, the hurdles posed by staffing shortages and limitations in resources necessitate active redressal to secure sustainable advancement and sustained influence. By formulating astute resource allocation strategies, cultivating academic synergies through collaborations, and infusing innovation into its educational framework, the university can chart a trajectory of achievement and distinction in the years that lie ahead.


Navigating Complexities and Pioneering the Future of Higher Education in Nepal

Nepal's landscape of higher education is undergoing significant metamorphosis, characterized by a convergence of promising prospects and intricate challenges. As the nation endeavors to furnish its youth with top-notch education while retaining their talents within national borders, an array of factors necessitates thoughtful contemplation. This meticulously researched narrative plunges into the contemporary panorama of higher education in Nepal, meticulously dissecting strategies to foster an enabling academic milieu and address pressing concerns surrounding student emigration, affiliations with international universities, dwindling enrollment rates, and the specter of political interference.

Pursuing Academic Independence

The odyssey towards elevating the caliber of higher education in Nepal commences with the establishment of unwavering academic autonomy for educational institutions. The latitude to execute autonomous decisions, be it the selection of academic leaders or the administration of university affairs, is instrumental in achieving outcomes of superior quality. To nurture a human resource cohort that can thrive on the global stage and engender impactful research, universities must be unshackled from stringent political controls. The realms of sustainable administration and academic distinction can only be actualized through autonomy coupled with an unwavering emphasis on excellence.

Confronting the Exodus of Students

The steady exodus of Nepalese students to foreign shores in pursuit of higher education is a poignant indicator necessitating a radical enhancement of domestic educational allure. This conundrum mandates the allocation of a substantial budget by the government for higher education, with a pronounced focus on research endeavors. The integration of research into pedagogy, complemented by equipping faculty with rigorous academic training, can tangibly elevate educational quality. Moreover, the establishment of a public service commission vested with oversight of university appointments can usher in merit-based selections and minimize political interferences.


Elevating Standards in Affiliations

The practice of affiliating universities, both domestic and overseas, necessitates a stringent regulatory framework bolstered by rigorous criteria to safeguard the authenticity of academic institutions. Haphazard and unregulated affiliations can instigate anomalies, jeopardizing pedagogical integrity. A dependable mechanism akin to the Grants Commission ought to be instated, tasked with vigilant monitoring and endorsement of affiliations hinged upon stringent academic benchmarks, thereby ensuring the inviolability of educational programs.

Revivifying Waning Enrollments

The decline in enrollments in specific disciplines, such as social sciences and Buddhist philosophy, warrants innovative strategies to perpetuate their pertinence. The integration of disciplines or the establishment of interdisciplinary programs can aptly cater to evolving student predilections and secure the sustained relevance of these fields. Concurrently, the government's spotlight should be affixed upon championing technical education while expanding opportunities for the economically and socially marginalized segments.

Aiming for Synergy and Harmonization

The harmonization and unification of Nepal's higher education statutes hold paramount importance in orchestrating a coherent symphony across all institutions, championing uniformity and lucidity within the educational landscape. The interference of politics in university affairs necessitates restraint, facilitating impartial and competence-centric appointments. An integrated higher education service commission assumes a pivotal role in facilitating this unification.

The odyssey toward cultivating excellence within Nepal's higher education sphere is a multifaceted expedition, demanding collaborative endeavors encompassing a mélange of stakeholders, including the government, universities, and academic luminaries. By embracing academic autonomy, untangling the perplexities of student migration, affiliations, and dwindling enrollments, and refining the higher education framework, Nepal can forge an academic milieu that nurtures brilliance, beckons scholars both domestically and globally, and bequeaths proficient graduates poised to contribute substantively to the nation's development and global advancement.

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