Dedication, Perseverance, and Genuine Interest Play a Vital Role in Achieving Excellence

Dedication, Perseverance, and Genuine Interest Play a Vital Role in Achieving Excellence

Dr. Hom Nath Luitel, the Chairperson of Jubilant School & College, originally hails from the remote district of Sindhuli. He pursued his Ph.D. in Japan and later gained extensive experience working as a senior researcher in the research division of Toyota Motors for a period of five years. He has shared his views with College Readers. Excerpts:

 What motivated you to pursue a career in the field of education?

During my tenure at Toyota Motors in Japan, I had the opportunity to visit several universities as a visiting professor. These experiences exposed me to the world of education and provided me with a deeper understanding of the significance of quality education. Witnessing the high standards and dedication to learning in Japanese universities inspired me to strive for the same level of excellence in education. As I interacted with students and faculty members, I realized the transformative power of education in shaping individuals and societies. The passion and enthusiasm displayed by students for learning, coupled with the innovative teaching methods employed by professors, left a lasting impression on me. I became fascinated by the idea of making a difference in people's lives through education. Observing the impact of education in Japan, renowned for its advanced education system, further ignited my desire to contribute to the field. I recognized the importance of nurturing students' intellectual growth, fostering critical thinking, and promoting holistic development. Motivated by these experiences, I decided to channel my energy and expertise into the educational sector. I aspired to provide students with a similar level of education and cultivate an environment that nurtures their talents, encourages curiosity, and equips them with the skills necessary to excel in their chosen fields. This journey led me to become the President of Jubilant College, where I am committed to upholding the values of academic excellence, innovation, and holistic development. Drawing upon my experiences in Japan and my passion for education, I aim to create an environment that empowers students to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.


Tell us something about Jubilant College?

Jubilant College, established approximately 16 years ago, has made a significant impact in the field of education. Over the years, the college has been successful in enrolling approximately 300 students annually, reflecting its popularity and reputation among aspiring learners. During its early years, Jubilant College gained prominence for its exceptional management programs. However, the college has evolved to offer a diverse range of academic disciplines to cater to the varied interests and aspirations of students. As an example of the college's broadened scope, I, myself, pursued a PhD in the field of science, demonstrating the college's commitment to expanding its educational offerings. One of the key strengths of Jubilant College lies in its exceptional team of faculty members. Many experienced teachers from renowned institutions like St. Xavier's have joined the college, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Moreover, the presence of numerous PhD holders among the teaching staff highlights the college's dedication to ensuring a high standard of education. The college places great emphasis on creating an environment that fosters holistic development and academic excellence. Students benefit from the guidance and mentorship of qualified faculty members who strive to provide a well-rounded education. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications and real-world experiences, Jubilant College prepares students for the challenges and opportunities they may encounter in their future careers. With a commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in education, Jubilant College continually invests in modern facilities and resources. This includes well-equipped laboratories, libraries stocked with diverse learning materials, and technologically advanced classrooms that facilitate interactive and engaging teaching methods. As a result of its dedication to quality education and comprehensive student support, Jubilant College has earned a strong reputation within the academic community. Graduates from the college have gone on to achieve success in various fields, equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a competitive world. Looking ahead, Jubilant College aims to continue its legacy of providing excellent education while adapting to the changing needs and demands of the education sector. By nurturing talents, fostering critical thinking, and cultivating a passion for lifelong learning, the college is poised to shape the future of its students and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

Why should students choose Jubilant College?

At Jubilant College, we pride ourselves on our highly educated and experienced academic team. We prioritize providing top-notch education and do not compromise on the quality of teaching and learning. With a dedicated faculty, we strive to create an environment conducive to academic excellence and personal growth. Our college boasts ample space, ensuring that students have access to comfortable and well-equipped facilities. The spacious classrooms, laboratories, and libraries are designed to enhance the learning experience and provide a conducive atmosphere for students to thrive. In addition to academics, we recognize the importance of extracurricular activities in the holistic development of our students. To cater to diverse interests, we offer seven different playing clubs, providing opportunities for students to engage in sports, arts, music, and other recreational activities. These clubs serve as platforms for students to explore their passions, develop skills, and foster a sense of camaraderie among peers. We also believe in the power of practical exposure and experiential learning. To facilitate this, we regularly organize seminars, workshops, and outdoor activities that complement classroom teachings. These activities enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios, enhancing their understanding and preparing them for future challenges. One of the unique aspects of Jubilant College is the opportunity for students to interact with international teachers. This exposure broadens students' perspectives and provides them with a global outlook. Interacting with teachers from different cultural backgrounds and diverse educational systems enriches the learning experience, encourages cross-cultural understanding, and prepares students for a globalized world.

What are the things to be considered while choosing a course?

The primary consideration for students when choosing a course should be their own interests and passions. In Nepal, there exists a prevailing notion that if a student does not achieve high grades, particularly A or A+, they should not pursue a science-related field. However, it is crucial to recognize that academic success is not solely determined by grades alone. Dedication, perseverance, and genuine interest play a vital role in achieving excellence in any field of study. It is important for students to break free from the misconception that grades are the sole indicator of potential success in science or any other discipline. Instead, they should focus on discovering their true passions and areas of interest. By choosing a course that aligns with their genuine curiosity and enthusiasm, students are more likely to excel and find fulfillment in their academic journey. Moreover, it is essential to foster a culture that values dedication and hard work over grades. Students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that they are genuinely interested in, regardless of their previous academic performance. Recognizing that success is not solely defined by grades helps to create an inclusive and nurturing environment where students can explore their true potential. Additionally, students should seek guidance from teachers, mentors, and professionals in the field they are considering. These individuals can provide valuable insights and advice based on their own experiences. They can help students understand the requirements, challenges, and opportunities associated with different courses, enabling them to make more informed decisions. Lastly, students should consider the future prospects and opportunities associated with the course they choose. They should research the job market, career pathways, and potential growth in their desired field. Understanding the practical implications and long-term prospects of their chosen course can help students make informed decisions and set realistic goals.

What are the things to be considered while choosing a course?

When selecting a college, there are several important factors to consider. Firstly, it is crucial to evaluate the teaching faculties of the educational institution. The quality of education greatly depends on the expertise and qualifications of the teachers. Experienced and educated teachers who possess deep subject knowledge and effective teaching methods can greatly enhance the learning experience. Secondly, it is important to assess the success rate of the institution and its students. This includes examining the track record of students' achievements, such as academic performance, placements, and career outcomes. A high success rate indicates the institution's commitment to providing quality education and preparing students for future endeavors. Additionally, the availability and emphasis on extracurricular activities should be considered. A well-rounded education goes beyond academics and includes opportunities for students to participate in sports, arts, cultural events, clubs, and societies. Engaging in extracurricular activities promotes holistic development, fosters teamwork, leadership skills, and helps students explore their interests and talents. Furthermore, the overall environment of the institution plays a crucial role. A healthy and inclusive environment is conducive to effective learning and personal growth. It should promote open communication, respect, and a sense of belonging among students and faculty members. A positive and supportive atmosphere encourages students to actively participate in class, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Moreover, the availability of resources and facilities is an important consideration. A well-equipped library, laboratories, and technological infrastructure support effective teaching and learning. Access to updated learning materials, research resources, and modern technologies enhances the educational experience and enables students to stay current in their chosen fields. Lastly, it is beneficial to gather feedback and reviews from current and past students, as well as alumni. Their experiences and perspectives can provide valuable insights into the institution's strengths, weaknesses, and overall reputation.

Lastly, what mindset should be in students while studying in college?

The transition from school to the plus two level brings with it a certain level of increased freedom for students. While in school, students are guided and closely monitored, but at the plus two level, they are provided with more independence. As educators, our role is to counsel and support students during this critical phase of their academic journey, ensuring they have access to sufficient study materials and resources. However, it is crucial for students to take an active role in their own learning and put in the necessary effort.


In the plus two levels, students need to develop a sense of responsibility and ownership over their studies. They must recognize that their success depends on their own efforts and dedication. While teachers provide guidance and support, students need to actively engage in their coursework, actively participate in class discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed. Furthermore, students should take advantage of the resources and materials provided to them. They should develop effective study habits, manage their time wisely, and make use of libraries, online resources, and other educational materials that are available to them. By taking initiative and being proactive in their learning, students can enhance their understanding of the subjects and maximize their academic potential. It is also important for students to foster a growth mindset, believing in their ability to learn and improve. They should approach challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than as obstacles. With a positive mindset, students can overcome obstacles, persist in their studies, and continuously strive for improvement. Moreover, students should actively seek help and support when needed. They should not hesitate to approach teachers, mentors, or classmates for assistance. Collaboration and seeking guidance from others can enhance learning and help students overcome difficulties.

What message do you want to convey to SEE students?

Congratulations to everyone on their results! If you received a lower GPA than expected, don't stress. Choose a reputable college and a course you're interested in. Dedicate yourself to your studies and believe in your potential for success. Focus on understanding the subject matter, developing critical thinking skills, and seeking practical experiences. Remember, your GPA doesn't define your abilities or future prospects. With dedication and a growth mindset, you can achieve your goals.


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