Dedicated Educators Unlock Potential: School Combats AI Dependence with Personalized Learning

Dedicated Educators Unlock Potential: School Combats AI Dependence with Personalized Learning

Ishwari Dhungana, who began her teaching career in 2047 BS at Bhanubhakta Memorial School as a primary teacher while studying BSc, now serves as the Principal.

Ishwari Dhungana, who began her teaching career in 2047 BS at Bhanubhakta Memorial School as a primary teacher while studying BSc, now serves as the Principal.

Bhanubhakta Memorial School, a leading educational institution in Nepal, is dedicated to creating a conducive learning environment for students to enhance the quality of education. Ms. Dhungana advocates for a holistic education approach that fosters the overall physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth of each child. She recently shared her insights with College Readers in a brief interview.

Since beginning your teaching career to the present, what changes have you observed in teaching and learning methodologies?

It's interesting to see how the methods of teaching and learning have evolved. Although the fundamental learning materials have remained unchanged, the approach towards teaching has undergone a complete transformation. Previously, we used to rely on the traditional talk and chalk method, but now we have shifted towards activity-based and project-based teaching methods. The educational environment has now become more child-centric, which is great to see.

Bhanubhakta Memorial School is one of the top schools in Nepal with a trust-based model. What impact has this school had on student learning and progress?

Bhanubhakta School has a large student body with a diverse range of students from various communities and regions. Despite the use of modern technology, we still value traditional methods to ensure equal opportunities for all.

We have focused on nurturing students not only academically but also emotionally, socially, and ethically. This approach could lead to students' holistic development, including their cognitive, emotional, physical, and social well-being. Our school fosters strong relationships between teachers and students. When students feel supported, respected, and trusted by their teachers, they are more likely to engage in learning, take academic risks, and make progress.

Today's parents have high expectations for their children's achievements. How is Bhanubhakta School fostering improved performance in students to meet these parental aspirations?

Every Gardner wants his flower to blossom. But it cannot be possible every time. We are trying our best. Our pass-out students have won many competitive exams and I believe we have positive outcomes. We have implemented various innovative teaching methods and extracurricular activities to nurture well-rounded individuals. Our dedicated teachers provide personalized attention to each student, identifying their strengths and areas for improvement. Through continuous assessments and feedback, we strive to enhance academic performance and critical thinking skills. Our holistic approach aims to instill a love for learning and a growth mindset in our students, preparing them to excel in all aspects of life.


The involvement of parents and communities can strengthen the child’s learning process. How is Bhanubhakta School addressing the parental role and community engagement?

We have a high level of parental involvement in our primary school, which supports students' growth. However, in high school, students tend to rely more on their friends rather than their parents for academic matters. To address this issue, Bhanubhakta School has implemented various strategies to enhance parental involvement and community engagement at the high school level. We organize regular parent-teacher meetings to keep parents informed about their child's progress and provide guidance on how they can support their child's academic journey. Additionally, we encourage parents to volunteer in school activities and participate in decision-making processes. Furthermore, we collaborate with local community organizations to create opportunities for students to engage with the community and develop important life skills. By fostering strong relationships between parents, communities, and the school, we aim to create a supportive environment that enhances students' learning and overall well-being.

What activities at Bhanubhakta School ensure the provision of quality education to students?

We can't claim that only theoretical knowledge aids in students’ growth. We regularly engage in diverse activities to enhance both their physical and mental well-being. Operating with 10 distinct clubs, each led by a teacher-coordinator, students shoulder all responsibilities. Members are solely students and can't hold key roles in multiple clubs. For instance, the Leo club focuses on social initiatives, the Eco club promotes eco-friendly actions, the math club hosts math Olympiads, the Elite English club runs English programs, the Bhanu Shahitya club arranges Nepali language events, IT clubs organize IT-related activities, among others. These clubs foster new learning experiences, teamwork, and social awareness. We allocate time for dance, music, cricket, basketball, volleyball, and other activities without disrupting classes. Netball games are specifically tailored for girls, ensuring emotional well-being, physical health, discipline, and child rights awareness. Various sessions and motivational programs are conducted. Collaborating with Canopy Nepal, we teach students to craft stories, enhancing their critical thinking skills. Presenting these stories boosts confidence and public speaking abilities. Additionally, we provide dedicated reading lessons.

Students have become more reliant on gadgets after the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a decline in education quality. What measures have you implemented to address this issue?

We used to receive many complaints from parents about their children getting stuck on mobile phones after returning home from school. Over time, we have seen a gradual decrease in complaints and feedback from parents. We are now providing assignments, engaging them in various activities, and involving them in practical work.

What roles do parents play in enhancing the quality of students' education?

Parenting is crucial for every student. It is important to treat all students equally in the classroom as their learning capacity is influenced by their home environment. Disciplined students tend to learn more quickly. Morals and values are instilled by parents.

In the era of AI, concerns arise about its potential negative impacts. What challenges does AI technology pose in schools?

Students rely on technology for assignments and projects. They often resort to copying and pasting creative works such as poems and stories, particularly in English. While the appropriate use of AI can be advantageous, its misuse can pose risks. Preserving creativity at the school level is crucial. AI technology can also lead to a lack of critical thinking skills among students. With the convenience of AI-powered tools for research and problem-solving, students may become dependent on these tools instead of developing their own analytical and problem-solving abilities. This can hinder their ability to think critically and creatively in the long run.

What messages would you like to convey to students and parents?

Initially, I urge parents to envision the traits and skills they desire in their children. Their sociability ought to be ingrained early on. The focus should be on nurturing good character in their children; academic success and future prospects will naturally follow. Parents must avoid imposing excessive academic pressure and instead emphasize the value of education. Spending quality time with their children and meeting their fundamental needs is crucial. Students, in turn, should grasp the essence of education and strive to embody goodness. School efforts alone are insufficient to shape students; a harmonious collaboration among schools, parents, and students is essential for cultivating responsible citizens.



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