By Aligning their Passions and Skills with the Realities of the Market, Students can Make Informed Choices

By Aligning their Passions and Skills with the Realities of the Market, Students can Make Informed Choices

Rishi Tiwari, Principal of Pinnacle Academy has spent decades working as an educator and well as an administration. Under his leadership, the Pinnacle Academy has acquired great fame by dint of its academic excellence. He has been a keen observer of the performance of school sector in Nepal and has been giving his views about the potential areas of reformation and rectification from time to time. He shares his views with College Readers. Excerpts:

How do you evaluate or interpret the recent SEE (Secondary Education Examination) results?

The recent SEE (Secondary Education Examination) results have shown a significant improvement compared to previous years, and this can be attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the resumption of physical classes, students were able to access in-person teaching and support, which likely contributed to their better performance in the examinations. However, it is worth noting that in the Bagmati province, there has been a decline in the performance of students in the Science and Mathematics subjects. One possible reason for this decline is the introduction of new modules or curriculum changes in these subjects. It appears that the transition to the new modules has presented challenges, particularly as many teachers may not yet be familiar with them. To address this issue, it is essential to prioritize teacher training and professional development programs to ensure that educators are well-equipped to teach the revised modules effectively. Training sessions can help teachers gain a comprehensive understanding of the new curriculum, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies. By investing in teacher training, it is possible to improve the quality of education in these subjects and enhance student performance over time. Moreover, it is crucial to establish a support system that assists teachers in adapting to the changes and implementing the new modules successfully. This support can include mentoring programs, peer collaboration, and access to teaching resources aligned with the updated curriculum. By providing teachers with the necessary tools and support, they can effectively deliver the curriculum and facilitate student learning.

Additionally, continuous evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the new modules are essential. This allows for identifying areas of improvement and making necessary adjustments to ensure optimal learning outcomes for students. While the recent SEE results have shown overall improvement, there is a need to address the challenges faced in Science and Mathematics subjects in the Bagmati province. Prioritizing teacher training, establishing a support system, and conducting regular evaluations can help overcome these challenges and ensure that students receive a high-quality education aligned with the revised curriculum.

Are the students this year opting to pursue a science course of study?

In the previous year, there was a significant level of leniency in the admission process for the science stream based on the SEE (Secondary Education Examination) results. Students who achieved a GPA (Grade Point Average) as low as 1.6 were granted admission, regardless of their performance. This inclusivity extended to students from private schools who did not meet the minimum GPA requirement. This approach aimed to provide opportunities for a wider range of students to pursue science education. However, it is important to maintain a balance between inclusivity and ensuring academic standards. While the intentions behind this leniency were commendable, it is necessary to evaluate the potential impact on the quality of education. As a result of the more open admission process in the previous year, it is anticipated that the current year's SEE results will witness an improvement. With a higher number of students gaining eligibility to study science, there is a likelihood that more students will choose this stream for their further studies. The increased availability of seats in science programs, coupled with the desire to explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, may contribute to the growing interest in science education. Students may be motivated by the prospects of pursuing careers in scientific research, engineering, medicine, or other related disciplines.

However, it is important to ensure that the open admission process does not compromise the overall quality of education. It is necessary to implement effective mechanisms to support students with lower GPAs to bridge any foundational gaps they may have and provide adequate resources for their academic progress. In conclusion, the leniency in admission requirements for the science stream in the previous year may lead to a higher number of students choosing science this year. This highlights the importance of maintaining the balance between inclusivity and upholding academic standards, while also providing necessary support to students for their successful journey in science education.

How do you evaluate the actions undertaken by the municipality towards HISSAN?

The recent actions taken by the municipality towards HISSAN bear resemblance to the past practices of the Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), where exams were conducted under the supervision of specific Principal and invigilators. This approach has its merits and can be considered a good idea in certain contexts. However, HISSAN has a different approach when it comes to conducting exams and awarding scholarships. HISSAN strives to ensure fairness and inclusivity by conducting exams that encompass students from various backgrounds, including different castes, races, and Dalit communities. Scholarships are provided to deserving students across all categories, based on merit and not limited to excellence alone. It is important to recognize the value of providing opportunities to all students, irrespective of their backgrounds. HISSAN's approach aligns with the principles of equality and ensures that deserving students, regardless of their caste or race, have the chance to receive scholarships and excel in their educational pursuits. While the municipality may have chosen to focus on awarding scholarships exclusively to excellence students, it is crucial to consider the broader impact and the importance of equal opportunities for all students. By expanding scholarship programs to encompass a wider range of meritorious students, irrespective of caste or race, HISSAN demonstrates its commitment to creating a fair and inclusive educational environment. In conclusion, the actions taken by the municipality may reflect a more limited perspective in terms of awarding scholarships. HISSAN's approach, on the other hand, emphasizes inclusivity and ensures that scholarships are distributed to deserving students across various categories. This commitment to equal opportunities contributes to the overall development and progress of students from diverse backgrounds.

What factors should be taken into consideration when selecting a course of study?

When choosing a course of study, it is crucial for students to consider their own interests and capabilities. It is important to understand that even if a student achieves a GPA as low as 1.6, it should not discourage them from pursuing their desired course. The GPA should not be the sole determinant of their potential and passion. While it is true that some students opt to study abroad due to the perceived lack of opportunities and employment prospects in their home country, it is essential to carefully evaluate this decision. Students should also take into account their economic status and the feasibility of their expectations. It is important to align their aspirations with the realities of the job market and the economic landscape. Moreover, when selecting a course, it is advisable not to solely follow the trends or the market demand. Instead, students should focus on understanding the long-term market potential and demand for the chosen field. By considering the demand for a particular course in the job market, students can make more informed decisions and align their educational choices with the future opportunities that exist. Additionally, students should also reflect on their personal goals, strengths, and skills. It is essential to choose a course that resonates with their passions and talents. This alignment will not only make the learning journey more enjoyable and fulfilling but also enhance the likelihood of success and satisfaction in their chosen career path. Furthermore, seeking guidance from mentors, career counselors, and professionals in the field of interest can provide valuable insights and help students make well-informed decisions. These individuals can offer guidance regarding the various career prospects, the industry landscape, and the potential growth opportunities associated with different courses. In conclusion, while choosing a course of study, students should consider their interests, capabilities, economic status, and the demand of the job market. By aligning their passions and skills with the realities of the market, students can make informed choices that will pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career journey.

What are the reasons for students to select Pinnacle Academy for their studies?

Previously, the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) held great importance in students' academic journey, but nowadays, the Plus Two level is equally critical. Congratulations to all SEE students on their achievements. When contemplating college options, it becomes vital to assess the institution's success rate, as it serves as a reflection of the quality of education provided. Additionally, examining the presence of adequate infrastructure and facilities within the college is crucial for an optimal learning experience. These factors significantly contribute to the overall environment and support students' educational growth. By prioritizing these considerations, students can make informed decisions and choose a college that aligns with their aspirations and provides the necessary resources for their academic success. In summary, Pinnacle Academy provides students aspiring for scholarships in Engineering, MBBS, and Paramedical fields with several advantages. They offer specialized entrance preparation classes from the beginning of students' studies, ensuring they are well-equipped for their entrance exams. The college's state-of-the-art laboratories enable students to engage in research activities, enhancing their research capabilities and critical thinking skills. Pinnacle Academy has a remarkable track record of achieving top results in board exams, further highlighting its commitment to academic excellence. Additionally, students have achieved significant post-study accomplishments, including securing scholarships to reputable institutions both domestically and internationally. Overall, Pinnacle Academy is dedicated to nurturing talented individuals and empowering them to succeed in their chosen fields.

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