Adequate Funding Is Necessary to Fosters Effective Learning Experiences

Adequate Funding Is Necessary to Fosters Effective Learning Experiences

Dr. Ganesh Kumar Shrestha is President at HISSAN Lalitpur. He has been actively involved in the field of education since the year 2050 B.S. Presently, he holds a managerial position at the Caribbean Secondary School. He shares his opinion on plus two-education with College Readers. Excerpts:

How are you evaluating the education system for grades 11 and 12?

In 2050 B.S., there was no established board for the intermediate education level. However, over time, intermediate programs were introduced under Tribhuvan University (TU). Previously known as the Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), it is now referred to as the National Examination Board (NEB). Throughout the various phases of this transition, there were both shortcomings and achievements. One significant change introduced during this period was the implementation of a letter grading system. Unfortunately, the emphasis on passing with minimal grades had a detrimental effect on the overall quality of education received by students. This approach led to a decline in educational standards and compromised the depth of learning. To elaborate further, the introduction of the letter grading system created a culture where students strived to attain the minimum passing grade, rather than aiming for excellence and a comprehensive understanding of the subjects. As a result, the focus shifted from acquiring in-depth knowledge and critical thinking skills to merely achieving the desired grade. This shift in mindset had significant consequences on the quality of education. Students became more concerned with memorizing information to score well in exams, rather than engaging in critical analysis and conceptual understanding. Consequently, the education system failed to foster creativity, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper comprehension of the subjects. The decline in education quality due to a grade-centric approach has affected students' preparedness for higher studies and practical application of knowledge. Recognizing these drawbacks, it is crucial to prioritize holistic education that focuses on comprehensive learning, critical thinking, and practical skills, enabling students to succeed in their future endeavors.

Does the implementation of a letter grading system have adverse effects on students?

The introduction of the letter grading system in various countries, which has been in practice for an extended period, has had a significant impact on the mindset of students. While this system was initially intended to provide a standardized assessment method, its consequences on student attitudes and learning outcomes have become a subject of concern. With the letter grading system, the primary objective for many students becomes achieving the minimum passing grade rather than striving for excellence or developing a comprehensive understanding of the subjects. The focus shifts from a genuine pursuit of knowledge to a mere fixation on obtaining the desired grade. This shift in priorities results in a decline in the motivation to engage deeply with the material, critically analyze concepts, and explore beyond the surface level of learning. The heavy emphasis on grades has created a culture where students prioritize memorization and regurgitation of information rather than cultivating analytical and critical thinking skills. The true essence of education, which should involve fostering curiosity, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge, can be overshadowed by the pursuit of high grades.

There has been a decline in the enrollment of students in the science stream for grade 11 and 12. How do you perceive this trend?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of students choosing the science faculty for their higher secondary education, compared to the trends observed in the past. Previously, it was a common trend for students who achieved a first division in the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination to opt for the science stream. The perception at that time was that studying science would open doors to diverse opportunities in various fields. However, the educational landscape has undergone significant changes, leading to a shift in student preferences. One contributing factor to this decline is the expansion of available subjects and the increasing awareness of alternative career paths. With the introduction of new fields and interdisciplinary subjects, students now have a broader range of options to explore and consider for their future studies. The expansion of subjects beyond the traditional science stream has resulted in greater flexibility and customization of academic pathways. Students now have the opportunity to pursue their interests in fields such as humanities, arts, commerce, technology, and vocational studies, among others. This widening array of subjects has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing students to align their academic choices with their individual strengths, passions, and career aspirations. The decrease in students choosing the science faculty can be attributed to the evolving job market, increased recognition of other disciplines, and a focus on individual interests and goals. This highlights the need for comprehensive guidance to help students make informed decisions aligned with their talents and aspirations.

How can we ensure the maintenance of quality in science education?

Investment plays a pivotal role in upholding the quality of science education. Adequate funding is necessary to create an environment that fosters effective learning experiences. One key aspect is promoting practical and project-based learning approaches, as they enable students to actively engage with scientific concepts and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By providing hands-on experiences, students can deepen their understanding of scientific principles and apply them to real-world scenarios. To ensure a well-rounded education, government schools should place a greater emphasis on mathematics and science subjects. These subjects form the foundation for many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines and are integral to various career paths. By allocating more attention and resources to mathematics and science education, government schools can equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in these fields. Investing in teacher professional development is vital for delivering high-quality science education. Continuous training and access to resources enhance teachers' skills, keep them updated, and enable them to create an engaging learning environment that inspires students' scientific curiosity. To maintain quality in science education, it is essential to invest in well-equipped laboratory facilities and materials. Practical learning with modern tools enhances students' understanding and prepares them for further scientific pursuits. Additionally, a focus on mathematics and science subjects in government schools, along with teacher professional development, is crucial. These measures ensure a comprehensive and rigorous science education, setting students up for success in academic and professional scientific fields.

HISSAN Bagmati has recently been established. What are the key responsibilities and actions it should undertake?

With the establishment of Bagmati HISSAN, our newly formulated organization, we have the opportunity to bring about positive changes and advancements. The fresh structure of Bagmati HISSAN provides us with a platform to implement beneficial procedures that can contribute to the overall development and progress of the organization. To achieve this, we are committed to introducing new activities and programs that align with our goals and objectives. By doing so, we aim to create an enriched educational environment that fosters growth, innovation, and continuous improvement. These new initiatives will be designed to address the evolving needs and aspirations of the students and educational community we serve. In addition to new activities, collaboration and partnerships with educational institutions and stakeholders will be prioritized. Bagmati HISSAN is committed to promoting inclusivity and equality, creating an environment that respects diverse perspectives. Continuous evaluation, feedback, and open communication will ensure adaptability to changing educational needs. The establishment of Bagmati HISSAN presents an opportunity to shape the future of education through progress, innovation, and excellence.


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