Acknowledging the intricacies involved in overseeing financial activities within organizations, I aspire to assume the role of treasurer

Acknowledging the intricacies involved in overseeing financial activities within organizations, I aspire to assume the role of treasurer

We stand on the verge of complications and should carve out a path to consensual solutions. The mindset of Nepalese youths developed for foreign education has ingrained deeply in the economic decline of the country and the sustainability of Nepalese educational institutions.

We stand on the verge of complications and should carve out a path to consensual solutions. The mindset of Nepalese youths developed for foreign education has ingrained deeply in the economic decline of the country and the sustainability of Nepalese educational institutions. As HISSAN has been able to prove that grades 11 and 12 education is possible in Nepal, we should be committed to building the trust among students and parents for their higher education pursuits in Nepal. The incoming leader should be capable of bringing these changes.

It is imperative that we garner trust at the local levels, fortify our organization’s strength, and enhance its nationwide popularity. To achieve this, a dynamic team and leader are essential. Within HISSAN Kathmandu, there exist individuals with the capacities required to assume leadership roles. The organization’s current standing is a result of the collective efforts of all members, emphasizing the need to select the best candidate considering the present situation.

My interest in the treasurer position is rooted in the acknowledgment of the inherent challenges in handling an organization’s financial activities. Having previously served as a member of the financial committee, I’ve witnessed the failure of various financial plans. The effective management of funds requires seamless cooperation between the central, provincial, and district levels of HISSAN, and I am confident in my ability to tackle these challenges.

The decision for the treasurer position will be unanimous. As of now, I am not aware of any other candidacy for this post, and most seniors and friends are in favor of my candidacy. Therefore, I am confident about securing the position of treasurer.

I earnestly request unity in light of the challenging external environment, particularly with the recent changes in the education Act. It is crucial that we work collectively and allocate time to effectively address the problems arising in the field of education.

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