A Firsthand Experience is Invaluable for Making an Informed Choice of a College

A Firsthand Experience is Invaluable for Making an Informed Choice of a College

Shyam Krishna Maharjan is the Head of +2 Program at Bright Future Secondary School. He is also a committee member of HISSAN Kathmandu. He has been in the academia for more than two decades and has garner invaluable experiences as a teacher, administrator and organizer. College Readers caught up with him for a brief conversation. Excerpts:

Could you tell briefly about the Bright Future Secondary School to our readers?

Bright Future Secondary School is dedicated to offering an outstanding education and equipping students for a prosperous future. Its emphasis on both theoretical and practical learning ensures that students receive top-notch educational opportunities. The goal of school is to nurture driven and skilled individuals who will make valuable contributions to the progress of our country. Since 2076 B.S., Bright Future Secondary School has been providing +2 programs-Science and Management affiliated to National Examination Board (NEB). School’s primary objective is to deliver a comprehensive education through highly skilled teachers, ensuring equal and inclusive opportunities for intellectual and academic growth.

What is the success story and achievements of this college?

Bright Future Secondary School experienced remarkable academic success right from the inception of its +2 program, achieving a 100 percent pass rate among its students. However, the college acknowledges the need for continuous progress and long-term development. Notably, the college takes pride in its students' achievements beyond academics. One such accomplishment is the success of its students in passing the highly competitive Pulchowk Engineering Entrance exam. This demonstrates the college's commitment to providing a strong foundation in science and mathematics, enabling students to pursue higher education in engineering. Moreover, Bright Future Secondary School has nurtured exceptional talent, including students like Nischal Paudel, who can be rightfully regarded as a young scientist. Nischal's remarkable skills and creativity have led him to develop a wide range of electronic gadgets, such as an electric bike and an advanced drone. His innovative projects showcase the practical application of knowledge gained from the college's educational programs. These achievements highlight the college's commitment to fostering a conducive learning environment that encourages both academic excellence and the development of practical skills. Bright Future Secondary School aims to nurture students who not only excel academically but also possess the ingenuity and expertise to contribute to various fields of innovation and scientific advancement.

What distinguishes Bright Future from other options?

Bright Future, our school, may appear to be recently established, but it boasts a faculty of highly educated and experienced teachers. We firmly believe that the quality of education depends on the caliber of our teachers, and we are proud to have a team of exceptionally qualified educators. Our priority is to create a nurturing and peaceful environment, akin to a second home for our students. At Bright Future, we strive to blend education with culture, recognizing the importance of holistic development. We actively promote project-based learning, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. By engaging in hands-on projects, our students enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. Moreover, we take immense pride in being an ISA (International School Award) achieved school. This accreditation validates our commitment to providing an international standard of education and promoting global awareness among our students. Through various initiatives and collaborations, we foster a multicultural and inclusive learning environment, preparing our students to thrive in an interconnected world. In summary, Bright Future stands out for its exceptional teachers, a homely and peaceful environment, the integration of education and culture, project-based learning, and recognition as an ISA achieved school.

Lastly, what message do you want to convey to the fresh SEE graduates?

Firstly, I would like to extend my best wishes to you. It is crucial to carefully evaluate several factors before enrolling in any college, including the success rate, available facilities, quality of teachers, infrastructure, overall environment, and many other aspects. These factors play a pivotal role in shaping your educational journey and overall experience. Additionally, I would like to emphasize that our college offers an opportunity for you to personally observe and assess the facilities and various other aspects. By visiting our college, you can gain firsthand insights into the resources and amenities available to students. This visit will enable you to gauge the quality of our infrastructure, the expertise of our faculty, and the overall environment that fosters learning and personal growth. We understand the importance of making an informed decision when choosing a college, and we believe that a firsthand experience is invaluable in this process. Therefore, we invite you to visit our college and explore the exceptional facilities and educational environment that we provide. We are confident that our college will meet and exceed your expectations, and we look forward to showcasing what sets us apart from the rest. In summary, before making a decision about your college education, it is essential to consider factors such as success rate, facilities, teachers, infrastructure, and overall environment. Our college warmly welcomes you to visit and experience firsthand the exceptional facilities and environment that we offer. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and choose a college that aligns with your aspirations and goals.



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